A Playable Black Woman

Bruh you sound like a Fox News segment dipped in neckbeard sweat lmao minorities don’t need a “story purpose” to exist any more than Indiana Jones does to be a cis het white guy.

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No, it just you are a ‘robot’ who does not think for himself and repeats everything that is being said on the news.

More like I don’t live in my parent’s basement and know the world is full of diverse people.

Oh yes… A robot walking among robots is better I take it. Got it. You should apply for that omnic program they are hiring for.

You should apply to be Alex Jones’s intern, I bet he too wants to pretend any attempt in media to portray the world as less than 90% cis white het is white genocide.

You know…ignorance is a bliss. It is like talking to walls. No matter what, you will never get through. So you keep thinking they way you think and I will do the same.

or maybe, just maybe, we need to start thinking about it in terms of, who is producing the films and video games we play, and how that might tie into the demographics represented in them?

I think a lot of the time, people write stories they can relate to more and naturally mold their characters after themselves. maybe as the workforce of these industries becomes more diverse, so will the stories they tell. Overwatch has been doing that for Asians in particular (esp if you read Michael Chu’s goodbye blog - he said something about not seeing many Asians represented as playable heroes in games and he wanted to change that). as an asian i’m obviously quite grateful for that, but I’m wondering, if there were more black women writing games there would be more black female protags. and that’s another tangent about available opportunities in industries and whatnot but yeah…

I agree on that. But it needs to feel ‘authentic’. Again, not trying to serve an ‘agenda’. As for the hiring more diverse people, I am all for it, provided they are qualified. I will never hire someone just for their ethnicity, gender,…etc, and I am Middle Eastern. But I do agree if you diverse the pool you will get diverse stories.

The wise man says in the STORY DISCUSSION for said game.

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I still think Sombra is [half?] black.

Pretty sure she’s Mexican.


I just love how Egyptians are Black™ until it’s convenient. Ana is Egyptian, and Pharah is half Egyptian half Indigenous Canadian.

It’s so tickling when people claim Overwatch out of all games lacks “diversity”.


African != Black. Pharah and Ana are African, but not black. For real life examples, Neill Blomkamp and Rick Cosnett are African, but they are also both very white.


Low-key praying that my country is never represented because that might be the day I die of cringe.

What country are you from? I don’t bite.

they are not black, being from the continent of Africa and being black are not always synonymous.


Closely guarded secret, sorry

I can see where Blizzard is coming from not adding at black female character.

Upon launch, it was clear that the roster was missing 2 crucial types of characters:

  1. Villains (at the time it was basically just Reaper, Widowmaker, and the junkers)
  2. POC, especially black females

Over the years of adding new heroes to the roster, you can see that Blizzard really tried to add these types of characters in particular. However they have to be delicate and couldn’t really double down on this because they don’t want the unfortunate implications of making too many POC villains - hence Ashe, Sigma, and Moira’s additions amongst the cries of “too many white people”. Now if you add omnics and genius animals into the mix, which don’t necessarily have tumblr/twitter warriors demanding representation for, but the creators understandably want to include as they are part of the OW universe, then the situation gets even more complicated.

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They release the heroes they feel like releasing at the time, and none of them have happened to be a black woman just yet - almost four years into the game. I think people do what they may with the implications of that.

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Sparrow’s point still stands in this discussion. I’m not expecting from a game to have Representation™ as their main goal. The fact Overwatch features a diverse cast does not means they signed a implicit contract to portray each ethnicity/sexuality/gender equally in relevance in the story, good/villain proportions, death ratio, etc.

All the characters could be white, asian or black I couldn’t care less: It barely influences the STORY, and I think it’s sad people can’t appreciate the characters as they have been written.

Everything’s not perfect, and will never please every single player; but since when do readers tell writers how to write THEIR characters? I hate this recent Twitter attitude to pressure writers/artists/scenarists every time a random doesn’t like a character’s skin color.