A Pagan's Review of the Anubis Reaper Skin

It’s adaptation. Think Anubis isn’t good or bad, mostly neutral - sort of “final judge” of anyone dying, and judge has to remain neutral. And Reaper isn’t exactly neutral.

But not western culture, I suppose.

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As I was contemplating Osiris’ unfortunate smelting accident, I realized his murder and the rivalry between his son and brother bears striking similarity to the plot of Disney’s The Lion King. Sounds like a History Channel special in the making if you ask me.

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The original, original Hamlet.


It’s better that a character sticks to their general personality with the voicelines, otherwise you get the mess that is Mercy’s mythic if they don’t go all out which they won’t because that’s far more work than is worth.

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YEP. As far as I can tell, that’s a common sentiment, even from those less invested in ancient Egypt. I also like the Osiris idea. Ram should have at LEAST gotten a legendary this season, but alas.

Yeah, I know it’s all adaptation and interpretation, and there are many variations. But did they have to choose the most overdone and annoying one? :stuck_out_tongue:

Mercy’s mythic is top tier, wdym? :open_mouth:

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Need to keep up with modern trends.

I mean, compared to 3000 years ago, it’s modern, sure :joy:

Current trends are quirky, “edgy” characters.