A Note To Dps Players

No, thank you. I do what I want.


By Not Doing What DPS needs to do? Oh ok.

Me: Plays sombra

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Nah, I practically do the tanks job for them. But they will still claim I am not doing anything or dying while I am stacked in gold with 2 or 3 deaths. I just assume most of them are blind which would explain such phenomenon as not walking forward or healing people that are actually missing health.

Dear OP - Stop blaming others for your losses.


And That’s on Gold Players :heart_eyes:

There 16 DPS characters but only 3 are reasonably expected to focus on picks. I smell user error here.

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I had a hanzo and a mei… and they did NOTHING. All they did was get picked by the enemy team. Me and My Orisa were the only ones defending the point. Like please.

To be fair though, Dva often gets gold elims because she’s spraying pellets everywhere that do like, one damage.

It’s Difficult to hit those from long range… and no.

DPS bad, support and tank good


Let’s ban all DPS players and delete all DPS heroes, so you can finally have fun in this game.


You say this like I should be impressed


You OTP the wirst tank for a dps. Wel some of the dps wil benefit from ya who are highly ofmeta.
The enemy dps you get in ur games do get picks couse there tabks enable them to do so.

You’re surprised when you have gold elims? You’re probably boosted tbh then. DVA has one of the highest elim averages in the entire game only behind Bastion and Repear in gold tier. If you are playing DVA at an average level for your tier there should be few games you don’t have gold elims in. DVA also has a high amount of average damage and is middle of the pack being around McCree’s average damage. About half of dps average less damage than DVA.

As someone higher tier on every role than you I can only say it seem like tank players are the least able to actually decipher what stats are saying. They are flabbergasted when they get gold damage which is something I often get as a tank and should happen pretty frequently in general based on average statistics. ‘Why do I have gold damage’ tank is about as face palm worthy as when Moira’s complain about having golds. My favourite is when a tank has like a Mei and a Tracer or something and seems personally affronted when they have gold damage. How clueless can one person be?

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2020 and people still think getting gold elims and damage as a tank means something?


If Im playing Sombra and I have gold damage THERES A PROBLEM, and its not me.


I agree with ya sort of couse noticed my self

I never played tank since recently. As dps I climped from zilver to gm I never got any gold medals .
But now I recently started playing tank I notice Ive always gold dmg and elims as zarya and hog.

As someone that mains dps I get it that we have off games sometimes but I usually try my best every game and am willing to counterpick within my hero pool

DVA weak asf hero at the moment, but in most comps Dva is supposed to do more damage than the DPS. If Mei, Sombra, Widow or Doom are on the team, Dva is going to outdamage them unless she’s inting and constantly demeched. That’s not something to be proud about. Most tanks are huge damage dealers like Sigma, Zarya, Hog.