A most impressive display: Behind the latest Lunar New Year skins

You know what just occurred to me? Would be nice to have an extended dev commentary on the balance patches, like those skins articles but with different focus.

At best the dev commentary is a paragraph for each - sometimes not even that. We’ve all gone down the rabbit role and written essays on various changes but devs - as far as we see - justify things with shallow understanding. It would be great to get a deep dive on their reasoning, maybe shut me up for once.


Compliments to the art design team. Like them or hate them, the skins are pretty good.

Too bad blizzard had to drop the ball again and sour its playerbase so nobody is actually focusing on the artwork, just the lack of skins and lack of literally anything of substance recently.

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I’m pretty sure the “next week news” that Mike Ybarra was referring to was Blizzard’s new IP for that unannounced survival game which he never mentioned there would be Overwatch news from that statement from last week which that whole thing could have been applied to any Blizzard games not just Overwatch.

Smurfwatch is dead… moving on…

I am looking forward for the next event, in Smurfwatch 2.

I would call it the LEAST impressive display, to agreed with the absurdity of only releasing 2 new legendary skins.


No one is talking about that, we are talking about him literally saying AFTER that IP was revealed that there will be OW/WoW news in the upcoming weeks

Wow they did it. Those crazy SOBs really posted this in the forums.

I know about that tweet. Should have been more clear which about which statement he is talking about because that person had me confused like “Are you talking about the one he put out last week?”.

Oversmurf would be more accurate. Ain’t nobody watching for smurfs. That would be like drizzle chasers.

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Today we are unveiling a new overwatch 2 look for bastion.

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No, not all skins are hired out to them, some are made in house some are made by them but neither does all of them and its been like this since launch

Edit: Here’s some of what I mean, as you can see there’s a bunch of people that put work into these, all of the models done specifically by the Principal/Lead Character Artist



this title sound like the beginning of a joke :rofl:

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LOL, this is great… I came to make a jab but looks like I don’t need to. I got a good chuckle out of these comments. Thanks peeps!


i just need Mercy now and i would be set im trying to build enough creds to get it or get it in a lootbox ive been using the tracer one i purchased with creds in the game

Anyone complaining about 2 skins.

Hardly anyone cares about lunar new year, and the skins aren’t as relateable unless you celebrate that (and maybe not even). Hopefully, this means they’re more likely to make more legendary skins for Archives, which is the best event. :hugs:

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The reason why everyone complains about the lack of skins:

Because this is the only content we get

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what W_nted did??? o-o’

These skins are really good, the Mercy staff and how it moves. The Tracer skin with the fire shoes.

Give Cree this much love with his next skin please.

A Most Mediocre Display would have been a better title. The skins aren’t bad, but aren’t impressive either. Definitely middle of the road.

But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so YMMV.

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Impressive display….yeah….sure……