A month of Mercy nerf in numbers

Nice thread thanks for the work and effort you put into this.

Thank you! I appreciate it.

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I play her in high Diamond on my PC account. The stats may suggest that she is overpowered but when I play her, she honestly just feels balanced. Except maybe this one time where I 1v4ed the enemy team and killed them all. Other than that, I’d say she’s in a good spot.

Mods - you locked my post because I called the act of claiming that Mercy is fine lying. I agree that the word lying is too harsh a word here. I apologize, my intent was not to hurt anyone’s feelings. I realize that it’s fully possible for people to honestly believe claims that are contradicted by empirical data.

The problem is that in my post I posted the statistics for diamond twice. Would it be possible for you to clean that part up please? I’m OCD about numbers, and it’s driving me a bit crazy. Thanks in advance.

Don’t feel bad about it. I would honestly say the same thing.

I really do think it’s important to have as civilized a conversation here as possible and I’d like to do my best to keep with that principle. I can get carried away when people say things that are blatantly contradicted by reality, or make misleading claims about numbers, but I probably shouldn’t.

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Ultimates outclassing abilities is fine. BUT, nano is better than an instant res, since it is essentially a res & provides killing potential and survivability. And it has pretty much no counter, which was part of the reason that instant res is no longer a thing.

I don’t think this is correct for the same reason that Trance isn’t a substitute for a team wide Rez. It’s proactive in nature which distinguishes it from any iteration of Rez.

But trans doesn’t provide a damage boost and damage resistance.

Right. But the target still has to be in the fight for it to get value. That’s what makes Rez unique - it circumvents death after the fact.

Which is also part of the problem. Nano is so versatile now because it prevents almost all death, 50% damage boost, and 50% damage resistance. Your rein can get outplayed so hard, but a nano will make it so he can survive and get kills while being severely out of position. No iteration of res could do that.

Did you play during Season 6, because the first iteration of reworked Mercy let you do exactly this on a dead Ally. Multiple times eve. Especially if you were valking. The game that actually made me take a break for that season was having a Rein get rezzed in the middle of my team and us all getting shattered.

At any rate, if Rein gets outplayed so hard he dies, Ana can do nothing, which is less than you can say with Mercy.

I’m willing to consider that the 300HP burst heal is maybe too much. 250 would probably be more reasonable. But I think the overall idea is good as it needs something to compete with the other support ults.

Unfortunately the data for every hero isn’t accurate. Private profiles skew the data for all 3rd party sites.

Yes, I did play during Season 6.
I forget that Mercy had a version at one point that gave her like 4 instant reses, so I guess that proves my point further, since she was nerfed.

I disagree entirely with this. What would Mercy do if Rein dies in the backline? Fly through the entire enemy team, stand still for almost 2 seconds while resing, and then get back safely? Even if she was able to res, Rein would die immediately afterwards because he’s out of position. Ana can nano from an insane range now, which would keep the Rein up and probably allow him to get a few kills before dying, if he even did die.

It needs a nerf. Maybe make it a percentage of max HP, like 50%.

Context dictates I was referring to instant Rez Mercy. No hanging out there.

Could work. Though I’m not convinced Ana is that meta defining rn.

Boring for majority of it’s mains = unbalanced/underpowered imo.

Mercy lack of mechanics to enjoy at least if you do not enjoy holding LMB all the time.
Mass rez was that thing… moment of glory, a gamble, a dose of adrenaline that you’ve waited for so long. It was loved by allies and hated and feared by enemies.
But midnight came and princess turned into a poor girl with healing stick.

Other heroes have their own moments of glory, gambles and adrenaline sources even if their general gameplay might be not so fun and/or balanced. Mercy was the same back then and had almost the best ultimate ability but instead of making it more “legal” Blizzard just exchanged it on slightly enhanced primary ability. And now when you pick Mercy you know almost for sure that there will be no moments of glory, no gambles and no adrenaline(other than “oof i can’t keep up holding LMB on everyone in this mess”). Your healing output can’t compete with precise fire from almost every hero and you don’t have any control over it(no burst, no gauges and etc.) so you just hold LMB and pray though Mercy is positioned as hero who’s main goal is healing. Your rez is just a matter of pressing one button and your job here is done - nothing joyful, nothing to be proud of. Ultimate changes nothing except you can fly(yay). You still hold LMB and pray.

Im not sure if hero that relies purely on constant numbers and works as 30 sec revive station for one person can be considered balanced and 100% sure you can’t call it fun.

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This is completely wrong. Private profiles make no difference at all here. When you’re trying to collect statistical information, it’s okay to decrease your sample size to a smaller (but still significant) sample if the criterion you use to decrease the sample is independent of what you’re measuring.

Imagine you were going house by house in a city to check what percentage of people have blue eyes. Now imagine you did the same thing, but only checked houses with even numbered addresses. Do you think the percentages would be different in any significant way? The odds against it are astronomically small.

In order to believe that private profiles have any effect here at all, you have to believe the following facts.

People whose profiles are public are significantly worse at Mercy than people whose profiles are private. Furthermore, they weren’t worse before the recent nerf.

This Mercy issue they’re having is very recent. Nothing about Mercy statistics changed in the slightest when profiles became private.

If you don’t believe these claims (and you shouldn’t, they’re preposterous) then the claim that private profile has any significant bearing at all on Mercy statistics is manifestly false.

It is the essential thing to do first of all. Later we can also rethink a rework to remove valkyria and bring back the rez in ultimate (even single).
It’s days on this forum that I write that mercy is not balanced. A main support with 50 hps has no burst healing to do its job. It does not matter the average healing, which even at 50 hps remains at the top. The problem is that in mid fight mercy can not heal the main tank, it can not. Currently mercy is a main healer that is used for pocket healers dedicated to a dps (one). As an idea it is wrong. It can be useful in the dive, but with obvious serious limitations, due to its non-existent healing burst.
Currently, mercy with 50 hps is an off support.
Needless to be replied that mercy does not have to recharge and has no resources to heal, when I play ana I do not worry about having the gold medal in healing, I worry that in the decisive team fight can keep the tanks, because it is the my work as a team main support. I can also leave Lucio to heal a lot.
I do not care that mercy is a meta. I care that when I use it, it’s satisfying. I also wrote my idea of rework that makes it out of the way, but at least it gives back the dignity that every hero on OW should have. (Idea for mercy another rework)
Because I agree that we do not want an oppressive mercy, but not so much that to use it, I have to stay behind only one dps.
Regarding your speech on winning rates, I totally agree with everything you say.

I’m calling it she’ll be a must pick again in a few months

For those interested in how to interpret these numbers properly, I’ve written a post about it.