Catch up with Overwatch concept artists to discover how they designed legendary new looks for three heroes.
The art team knocked it out of the park this year.
Keep up the good work!
Nice skins
The skins are really good all around. Hopefully the same for Winter Wonderland too
Not just the skins.
The Doom voice line is exceptional.
I know its probably still a while before we get there but, after this year’s fantastical halloween skins i can’t help but imagine the team will have a blast with the event skins of new heroes in ow2. Really looking forward to it.
Not only are the people responsible for art incredible at what they do (I absolutely love Overwatch’s art direction, I’ve said their skins are the best in the game multiple times), but the dev team translating the art PERFECTLY into the models are equally incredible as well.
So good.
The Brigitte skin is absolutely amazing
Love the skins keep up the good work!
These are some of the best skins in-game yet. Amazing work from the team, honestly.