A Mercy Rework Idea (From a Non-Mercy Main)

When I filled out the survey by Slyther0829 (link below), I thought about how I’d change Mercy should she receive another rework.

  • Keep both passives as they are
  • Keep GA as it is
  • Keep DMG Boost as it is
  • Completely remove rez
  • Move valk to E. Give it a 15s cooldown, 4s duration. Flight is kept, chain heals are removed, but extended beam is kept. Maybe keep the instant 20 HP/S regen. Maybe increase the healing/dmg boost during valk.
  • Her ult is a buff to her team where all allies within a 15-20m radius from Mercy (and Mercy herself) will receive a buff that maked them unkillable and they will slightly glow. THE ALLIES CAN STILL BE DAMAGED, but they can’t go below a certain HP threshold (e.g. 50 or 100 HP), and are still able to be affected by CC. The ult has a duration of 6-8s.
  • If Mercy remains weak after all of this, then increase her healing to 60 HP/S.

(DISCLAIMER: All numerical values are merely estimates and can be changed to make it more balanced)

Link to survey:

Edit: Fixed link.

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1/3 of her identify gone. T_T

That being said, for the sake of fun, I will sacrifice anything.

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Wow just what 2CP needed

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Yeah, I figured that by removing rez, I’ll be taking away some of her identity, but I felt like rez being in her kit is what’s preventing her from being fun and not OP/UP at the same time.

It definitely is balanceable and can keep Mercy fun. Just not in its current iteration.

Thing is, Mercy is already super mobile - she doesn’t need more mobility, you would have to remove all GA buffs and that would not make people happy. She does need an E though, especially with the 50 hps, but I’d suggest either giving her:

  • A debuff
  • A buff
  • A cleanse

Also, invincibility implies CC resistance so specify if that is not intended (I hope not, would make some ults a nightmare).

I like the general gist of the idea, so don’t mistake this for me bashing on it, but rather trying to give my thoughts as someone who plays the character!

(Btw, removing rez is problematic as there are highlights and merchandise connected to it, so I suggest considering a way of making sure it still stays relevant).

Ooh, I like the idea but removing rez imo is tricky.

Erm, Im not so sure about her ult though, invicibility, would be kind of tricky to balance.

the ult is way too strong is basically rez but better since no one actually dies, scrap valk and give something else.

Yeah, I’m sorry, I intended for it to not have CC resistance. I should change it.

Speaking of the merchandise, valk could alternatively be an ability where Mercy can apply a buff to an ally where if they die in the next 5-6s, they get revived by Mercy (And they would glow too so that enemies are aware of it to allow counterplay).

What you could do to still keep Valk relevant is lower the rez-timer significantly (2,5 seconds for example) and have her able to rez people within that time-frame while granting the other buff to the others. She wouldn’t be able to “hide and rez” because of the short time-frame and LoS, and would only work on bigger “rezzes” if perfectly timed.

That’s true, since the ult could basically replace both Trans and Sound Barrier, so maybe the allies can be damaged until they get to 1 HP? Which then means that when the invincibility wears off it’ll be quite easy to kill the enemy.

So the ult is the unkillable effect not invincibility

Thanks, I was looking for that word but I wasn’t able to put my finger on it.

I heard one idea where Mercy has two ults that she charges up simultaneously.

One is Valkyrie, and the other is Resurrect. (Valk is triggered by Q and Rez is triggered by E)

I don’t remember who’s idea it was, but it was one I liked. It could be changed then so that the new Rez ultimate casts much faster (Maybe instantly) but as a trade-off, the Rez’d target doesn’t get invincibility for as long.

I’ll leave the exact specs to y’all. Or add any other ideas on top of this as well.

is still way too good, its basically a better version of zen/lucio ult. only way you could somehow balance is that everyone except the mercy is unkillable and if the mercy is killed the whole effect of the ult is removed. the witch hunt would truly be glorious.

Yeah, you do have a good point. I’ll think it through even more and will edit the OP when I find something.

Would fit even better if the enemy Mercy had the Witch Skin.