A Mercy revert could revive Overwatch

yes i understood the changes and i was worried what kind of direction her rework would take her. I actually loved when it came out but of course she was way too strong and dominated the competitive matches. but nerf after nerf, they it was justified till they turned away from the actual problem and decided to nerf her original kit which is the heals. if they decided to nerf or do the right changes, no one would have complained, its just the fact that they took an unexpected turn of events and didnt listen to the ideas that were being shared here and there.

The mere idea that the health of the entire game depends on one single character is both insulting to every non-Mercy main and a sign that the game’s design is too contingent on them.

Mass Rez would bring back some fun to Overwatch. It’s pretty boring for me to play right now.

you see, no one wants mercy to overshine any healers thus why so many mercy mains where desperate for a better and healthier change but they took so long and mercy dominated competitive season longer than anyone anticipated. Let me remind you that it is not the mercy mains’ fault that blizzard took too long to fix other supports and took too long to nerf mercy (despite not even fixing her and made her even worse that mercy 1.0) As a mercy main, I am so happy other healers get to have a chance and i have even been playing ana,brigitte, moira a lot, tons of fun! but my most favorite hero is just completely out of the scope because of how mistreated she was and no updates on her what so ever.

im sure you would understand how we feel when devs arent listening to feedback and neglecting her like that. We just want to equally have fun with others playing a hero we like.

I think it’s weird how anyone with even a slight semblance of game knowledge could’ve told Blizzard that Mercy’s rework would be as bad as it launched. I remember explaining the rework to my younger brother, and he looked at me, almost wide-eyed, calling it stupidly overpowered and completely broken.

For me, the rework wasn’t that much fun at all; it was so stupidly overpowered, it was actually pretty dull, with the excitement of a successful Mass Rez watered down and spread out over the 20 seconds it originally lasted. Once the novelty wore off, it wasn’t any more fun than simply playing Mercy’s base kit.

So much problems could’ve been avoided if they’d just not forced the e-sports on us, and instead just balanced the game around comp. Replacing the invulnerability with damage resistance would’ve been an easy tweak and addressed a few issues right off the bat, together with the SR fix they released shortly after the rework.

From there, anything could’ve been done, like going back and seeing if maybe that 1 second cast time would actually work now that Mercy had damage resistance. Or add burst healing to Rez and allow it to be used pre-emptively, as well, so the “Mercy waits for her team mates to die” criticism can be put to rest.

The tweakability of Mercy’s pre-rework kit is infinitely larger than post-rework, which doesn’t offer much, at all, as it’ll either be OP or UP. With Valkyrie, there isn’t really a middle ground to be had that appeases both sides.

I’m a Mercy Main, and I don’t think Mercy needs a revert, I tough, that people were just raging when they sayed that it was hide and rez, but actually it was ri t, I watched all Mercy “huge plays compilation”, and every time it was just hide and rez, so she need a rework, but a revert would still be way too frustrating and unfair.

A plain revert wouldn’t work, at all, and I don’t think that anyone on the pro-revert ‘team’ would want it to return as-is, as it’d solve none of the issues and simply bring us back to square one.

I guess i found it a little fun to dominate some games ahah. i actually avoided comp because of how weirdly strong she felt. Good thing i did because i would’ve placed somewhere i don’t belong. but I guess the devs offering something new to the table got me a bit excited, till all the problems came in and what you say completely supports it. And it does seem that pre-rework couldve had way better chances as well. dont see why they bothered to make something ‘new’ for her.

How do you revive something that’s not dead? :thinking:

Yes, so that’s why Mercy needs a rework, no a revert ^^ like a rez charge when you heal 500 hp (I saw that on a topic and even if it would not be the same as low ranks than high, because people would less damage in Low Ranks so you’ll have rez less, but people will die less so you won’t need to rez them), or a healing based on range, like if you’re far, you heal less than if you’re in close range, but if yes I want a huge ammount of heal at close range, like 80/s, and maybe only 35/s at max range.

I assume you’re referring to my post? I don’t see how adding the option of using it on living team mates invalidates the name, as it can still be used, if so desired, in it’s old use case. Or keep the thing gated to a dead team mate, if you’re really of the opinion that the name should match it’s function. You are still incentivized to use it early and more often.

What? I was replying to the OP and his title as in “Revive Overwatch”.

In that case, he’s still right. Overwatch is in decline. Quite a portion of its player base has left over the past six months (over 3 million players, which is about 7%)

Forced e-sports is garbage, paywalled content sucks, and on top of that, the last event was trash.

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I agree, I still can’t help but wonder how much better this game would be with Mercy keeping mass res. Especially so since more and more area denial ults like Hammond and Torb’s now exist. I don’t think this rework has been at all successful in the end, what a mess.

#RevertMercy :heart:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Especially with Hammond and Torb’s incoming rework, I think it’d be just fine. That recent conspiracy thread hit the nail on the head. With the recent changes (including those to the support roster and the other stuff now on the PTR), it creates an opening where Mass Rez could easily fit in. I just hope that, if they do, they take most (or all) from Why I Have Yet to Not Despise Mercy's Current State, because it’s by far the most comprehensive thing out there and provides stuff for everybody. Well, except maybe the pro-Valkyrie Mercy players.

I understand what it’s like to have your main rendered unviable from direct nerfs and meta changes. I know what it’s like to be blamed for losses automatically and be told to switch. I know what it’s like to always wonder whether or not I’m throwing by picking my main because others don’t like him.

However, I don’t know what it’s like to actually believe the entire health of the game depends upon Lucio’s relevance.

I honestly wouldn’t care if it were the meta that rendered my main unviable, because then I’d at least be able to have fun playing her, despite it possibly being a lot harder. However, if was nerfs that rendered the character unviable, I’d no longer have fun playing her, and I’ll either drop the game, or stop playing her.

Remember, people play video games to have fun, first and foremost.

Of course. I’m not saying Mercy shouldn’t be fun. I’m saying the title and premise of this thread is pretentious af and an insult to everyone who doesn’t main Mercy. The game isn’t all about her.

The devs went in the complete opposite direction, they listened to everyone except for mercy mains, most who wanted for it to require LOS and a no invul but a bigger range. Instead they gave her a garbage rework that ruined the character.


“August 2018”