A love letter to the devs from Sym mains

The good:

The terrible:

Sym is already so niche with her uses because her TP has the potential to be the strongest part of her kit. Meanwhile, her gun itself is so lackluster when compared to literally any other dps hero. Her time to kill is the highest of the dps roster making 1v1s feel extremely terrible unless your primary is charged.

The most flexible and useful part of her kit this iteration was TP bomb and now that is getting nerfed into the ground with these changes.

I personally wouldn’t care about having a nerfed TP bomb if Symmetra’s weapon itself wasn’t so damn clunky. I mean, the bug that caused her primary to feel terrible is just now getting fixed after Sym 3.0 has been live for a little over a year. Her secondary feels terrible as well when compared to other dps heroes. With the combination of only 70 ammo, the charge requirement, and the travel speed, her secondary fire feels terrible especially in high pressure situations and 1v1s.

Turrets are bugged on PTR so I won’t say much about them.

The TP changes in short, rescind everything you were trying to do with Sym 3.0. Her TP is no longer useful as an escape tool or dodge ability because of the 15 second CD. Sym is as good as dead once she places her TP. Immobile hero with low health, insanely long time to kill, and a weapon that is clunkier than any other in the game.

Please. Make this right Blizz. Help your girl out. Don’t make her a TP bot.


I like the change just wish they lowered cooldown


I’d rather have 2.0 w/ TP as the only ult if they want her to be a TP bot, lol. That TP was way more fun than this new, horrible, one.

she is not meant to go flanking just to get plays, stop doing that, stay with your team with her.

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Other than first point defense, what usefulness does infinite TP have?

Not sure where I said anything about flanking in my post.


Flanking or not… it’s still a nerf.


It’s true. They mine as well bring back symm 2.0 cuz that’s where she will be strong again

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It really seems like that’s what they are trying to do. Sure she will still be strong on first point attack on maps like Hanamura, but her mid-fight mobility was nerfed so hard with this.

Most Syms will use it as a “set it and forget it” ability again and that is a huge step back in my opinion.

Exactly. I don’t think “set and forget” abilities work. The reason I think it worked for her as an ult is because ults aren’t something you use regularly anyway - but it also created a sort of mini game between you and enemy flanks… or just the enemy in general. As sometimes it worked as very well as a taunt, lol.


I honestly wonder about what is next to come? Shield Gen return. I would not be opposed to that. I mean they gave her Shield Gen so she had something on the second point and if she is returning to 1.0, no survivability 2.0 with shield gen can’t be that far away.

Yeah I never personally enjoyed TP or shield gen on old Sym just because it was so… boring and non-interactive (harsh, but that’s how i felt about em).

3.0 TP was to be used often to reposition yourself or your team, to set up plays, and sometimes to be used reactively to dodge. The versatility was such a buff to Sym in general, but the TP was still too clunky to actually counter grav like the devs touted on her release.

Now I’m not sure what their goal is with the hero. Are we going back to old 2.0 Sym ways? Sym 4.0 inc? I’m just confused and tired of trusting that the devs know what they are doing with my favorite hero

Yeah… I get why you wouldn’t like her old ults, lol. For some reason I was just a massive fan of TP, especially if you could get behind the enemy.

I wish they could just stick with 3.0 and do gradual changes… instead of this massive (horrible) one. Like, with 2.0 they didn’t even do anything until 3.0 released, lmao.

setting up a teleporter to get people to higher ground easier if it goes unnoticed?
you know, like her turrets can still output an effect if they go unnoticed?

besides, that’s the point of the “buff”:
it’s more of a QoL upgrade so she doesn’t have to have it destroyed when trying to take it back, or place it “timed” for people

yes, the cooldown is a mess and that needs to be addressed
but this is the right direction, regardless
there was no reason “not” to have it on an infinite duration

they just need to fix how she can’t redeploy it until 15s later

I like the idea of infinite high ground for low mobility heroes, but that comes at the cost of a lack of personal mobility and versatility that is now currently available on live.

If the cooldown was halfed when Sym destroys her own TP, I agree that would resolve most of the issues I have. The infinite itself is not my issue, more so the extremely long CD gating Sym’s versatility.

like i mean, that’s literally fine
that’s exactly the idea of a “trade-off”

this is a team-based game
the concept is acceptable

but, yea

the “versatility” being gated isn’t bad
choose one: team support, or personal support, then you have a cooldown to use the other one

that’s fine
that’s literally like moira orb deciding between damage and heal orb
(even if damage orb barely ever gets the value for the trade-off most of the time, but, you know, concepts)

it’s just that in a real match, it’s still going to be an absolute nightmare to deal with the cooldown for various reasons, the game is just too fast to deal with this, and this is exactly why they knew and felt like her previous ultimates had to go

i just don’t understand why they haven’t figured this out yet for, one, this teleporter, and two, THOSE FREAKING TURRETS HOLY BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSSSSSSSS

Only one more step until Sym is finally removed from the game.

I can’t wait.

Yeah, like I said. If the cooldown was at least acceptable to where Sym could have the agency to foresee needing it within the next few seconds, destroy it, and be ready to swap from “infinite high ground team support” to “oh damn, I need to dodge this doomfist who is holding his ult”.

Trade offs are well and good, but I don’t think the trade off of a 15 second cd is warranted.

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According to some we aren’t supposed to use her teleport ability offensively.

As a dps.

That’s like saying “stop playing like a dps and getting picks, you’re only supposed to stand next to your team, be useless and look pretty.”

We’re only supposed to support the team with our taxi ability like lucio lmao.

Guess why turrets can now travel through the teleport? It’s not for supporting the team.

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Honestly all the GM Sym mains I watch flank on Sym. They play aggressively AND taxi their team when it’s warranted.

Solo queue and OWL Sym play is STAGGERINGLY different and the Devs seem to be balancing her for OWL play which is disheartening.

TP bomb and flanking are some of the best tools a Sym main can use in solo queue since the teamwork and strategy required to taxi and set up tp plays is not always guaranteed from your taemmates on ladder.

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Ironically symm sees no owl play to balance her around for. But that’s what we’re apparently going with anyway. :’)

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