A little tool for node placing and a rough pathfinding stuff

This is a tool that can help you more easily place some node for whatever you need to do with these such as an event target point without worry about gravity.



You will be into fly mode when you spawn(Something like spectator mode).
And you can fly through wall.


WASD to move around just like how you walk in the game, Hold Jump goes up, Hold Crouch goes down.

And here is something you will see :

  1. The white sphere is where the node will be placed, It follows your sight.
  2. The green sphere is the node already place and saved
    (If you open this first time you can see some node already exists, It’s the node I made for demonstration the pathfinding).
  3. The orange sphere is the node been placed and unsaved.
  4. The red sphere is the node used for pathfinding, You can delete that if you don’t need my pathfinding, It stored in rule " Initial_Fall_Mark "
  • Left-Click to place a node.

  • Right-Click to Remove a node. (Will remove the node nearest to you which is the one show on your screen)

after you have done place the node you can export that and save it.


Then paste on any text editor, Change the Global.Node to the variable you want.

And then you can go back to the workshop and paste it.

and then the pathfinding.
I have been working on pathfinding for a long time and I just found that someone already did this.
You can go check it out if you still don’t know it.

This one is working much faster! really cool!

So if you don’t need pathfinding you can delete all the rule that below “Spawn Fly Mode And HUD” rule


But I would like to share.

About my pathfinding, You just need to place some node and you are ready to go, It can deal with the stair but the main problem is it will take a while to figure out a path. (Not certainly the shortest path)

…like 10 sec if it is too much corner and too many node in the path.

So if you use my pathfinding, You need to lower the number of nodes and keep it as simple as possible. (Basically, My pathfinding is based on the line of sight check so the tips are don’t place too much node in the same visible area)

if you are placing the node for stairs, Be sure that the height is close to the previous node like this.


Or else the node will be treated as unreachable if the height gap is too high (I set to 1.6)

 When you working the node placing on the map that has a cliff can cause environment kill likes Ilios and Eichenwalde,
 You would need to use the " Fall Mark " node to prevent the BOT walk across the cliff or hole area.
 Hold shift (Ability 1) and left-click to place a fall node
 You will see a sky blue sphere if the closest node has a fall node influences, This is the maximum range the node can connect to, Any farther node will be ignored.
 And just like the normal node, you can hold shift and right-click to remove the nearest fall node.
  1. The orange arrow icon is the dummy’s target position (End node).

  2. The white sphere that didn’t move with you is the dummy’s next position.
    (Also shows while the pathfinding is processing)

  3. The green sphere are saved path node as described above, The pathfinding will read all the nodes in it.

  4. The red sphere are saved fall node, When the pathfinding is processing the current node will ignore all nodes that farther than the closest fall node.

    • Press E to set a random target point for the bot and see it work.

    • Press F to set a specific target point for the bot.

    • Press R to respawn the bot.

Modify the path node in real-time
In the workshop, You can enable the #2 node rule(There is 2 of it) and then disable the #1 node rule.
Then you can place or remove a node for the current node that uses for pathfinding to see how it affects the pathfinding.

After that, you need to wait for a while. (depend on how far away and how many corner or obstacle)
Then you will see a message about the result.

  • notice that because some part of the game map somehow won’t interact by the line of sight event it looks walkable so some position may still cause stuck.

That’s it, You can improve this or do whatever you want, I’m having a headache with this already. :confused:

A little update, Now you can place some fall node to prevent bot walk to some area cause suicide.


My pathfinding you have linked is very flawed and outdated. I made a new version:

But I think what you did works in a different way, cause you are creating the edges dynamically, right?

Thank you for telling me that!
I’ll try this new version.

I’m not sure what the name of the method, don’t even know the thing you call “edge”… sorry that I couldn’t explain it to you.
I try to use the A* pathfinding in the workshop and somehow it just works while I playing around of it. :open_mouth:

Ok, I think I understand what you mean now.

Yes, the edge is dynamic, I give every node a weight by the distance, And list it by the weight after found the goal node.
In the process it only choice the node that has the greatest weight as the edge node and abandons other nodes.

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