A grandmaster players opinion on every hero balance wise (5/8/19)

I see. Just cause you dont like disagreeing with people doesnt mean you have to be childish about it.

Also *ma’am. But anyways I guess im not gonna argue with trolls anymore either.

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Still standby my statement of putting this in Workshop. Also, your Sombra changes are actually feeding the problem.

how so

  1. im not a troll
  2. how was i suppose to know that, im not getting all pissy over being called sir
  3. how am i being childish, your refusing to give a proper counter argument

You gave her more mobility, thus giving her more angles to come from to hack. Because of the lower hack duration, you made it so she will stay back with teammates or bring one with her. You essentially turned her into the Ana that goes with a McCree to solo-ult an unsuspecting target. And because she’s more tempted to hack, she’ll build an ult faster and because she has more backup, you’ll probably be too distracted to get to her.

but i made hack less oppressive tho

I remember commenting on this thread before

I probably posted my own all hero balance thread too, but yea, ican live with most of this changes although some seem a bit useless

And i feel like reaper needs changes too

This was my take on this though

here we go fixed :smiley: :smiley:

i think reapers alright theres just better heroes

For context dis is what i gave him:

In GM, you could give him 100% life leech if you wanted and he’d still be useless because people Have the coordination to antinade him or just stun him to death, and he has no way to really close the distance sucesfully…

The healing reduction % is also good to deal with high healing.comps, giving him better utility

And giving him a engage ability lets him be more independant without needing to be boosted by the team to reach the fight and frees up wraith for its potential use as a mid-fight defense ability rather than to pull out


  • Healing goes through shields
  • Healing range increased from 15 meters to 20 meters

Alexis Comments: These changes are intended to help Moria heal her team from distances and from behind shields

This would make her insanely good to the point of overshadowing mercy and ana. She’s fine where she is. High mobility and an already exceptionally long range left click heal (if you actually managed to test how long it is prior to this post). Her entire kit revolves around mobility and geometry, placing your orbs in specific locations to extend the bouncing effect is what can make her an exceptionally strong healer.

I don’t think people grasp the idea that Moria is a two way lane, she either does damage or heals and choosing the right one in the right scenario is what either makes you a good Moria or a great one.

i think shes underpowered, ana and mercy overshadow her