A grandmaster players opinion on every hero balance wise (5/8/19)

I honestly can’t say I’ve run into that myself. Other than trying to piledrive a target that’s too high up in the air, but that’s working as intended for the way it’s coded, since it basically has an area of effect starting from the ground up to a certain height.

Why would you do that?

Love this kind of suggestion for the ‘heavier’ characters.

because golden bob looks like trash, its the only thing stopping me from getting an ashe gold gun

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Im gonna be honest Im not gm, Im plat, and I dont play zarya or junkrat, but I do know playing junkrat into zarya is considered free energy for the zarya, so would these nerfs based on her charge rate be in any way related to this

Over. Reinhardt’s. Cold. Dead. Hands.

Do the something similar to what you did to sombra, increase fair (what you consider fair anyway) aspects while nerfing unfair ones

I could have sworn this was already the case

I don’t think these changes to Sombra would be a good idea. I think having a 4s hack would be pretty worthless most of the time since your team would not be able to react in time, and the reduced spread would make it a lot easier from her to uncloak behind someone and unload her gun into the back of their head. I think it would completely change the way she was played from her current style to mostly being about uncloaking behind people and oneclipping them. You wouldn’t even hack them first because the short hack duration wouldn’t be worth losing the element of surprise.



Meka Crouch!!!

GM’s don’t understand.


ive barely touched junkrat since the speed changes, i play ana now so no

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Alright just wanted to know more, shame you didnt reply to anything else though, but I can see why you focused on that in your reply (not like the rest of what I posted was very important though, the only actual feedback I gave was for brigitte and that was a suggestion of how to do it which you probably already tried)

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You don’t like Trailer Park BOB?

Pretty good overall, nothing I really think is outrageous. If I could throw in my 2 cents though…

I would rephrase your Brig explanation to include the word rework. I think most of us should be able to agree that current her just wont work, your either have her where she sucks but Goats still works or buff her so is dumb levels of OP. I do not see how this can be fixed by tuning or small changes, I feel a rework is the best option now.

Always starts in Ball form. This would make him faster to swap to, useful in stall situations.

I’m not sure of the best way to make this change but I feel his rate of fire needs nerfing. This could be done by lowering his projectile speed, his charge rate or his “reload” time and I’m not sure which would best achieve this. This would be to make his weaker at close range and more diveable as well as less able to rapidly shred tanks.

I agree but I think upping her charge time to 1 sec would be a start.

This is difficult as I want Mei changed a lot, but for reasons not relevant here. That being said there are some issues with her freeze hit box that really could use a fix.

Not 100% sold on this but I think very slightly slowing down his double jump could be useful. This is to make him easier to hit, however it should be a very small change and frankly it isn’t too bad.

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What’s the delay in Junkrat’s tire? I don’t play hin a lot so I’m not sure what the delay is. :0

First off, how dare you. Second off, that’s a lot of gold for your buck. Why take it away?

agree with most except for doom, needs a bit more than that for the ult to be good. also his gun could stand to be rebalanced too, but idc about that as much as his ult.

two directions for it to go imo, either have outer ring scale from 75-225 instead of 20-200–no other changes, or…

reduce fall time significantly (0.3 instead of like ~1.1 seconds), reduce max damage to 150 in center, have it scale from 75-150 in outer ring, and pierce shields in center ring–to make it have an impact vs rein barriers and the like, and to significantly improve the chances of getting his 6 man meteor achievement.

also, change the ult so the damage is dealt unmitigated against armor, over 0.1 of a second–to reduce issues where people should take damage from meteor and don’t. shields would only be able to be gained on one instance of damage against a target.

basically a second or 2 after blowing up tire you cant move

How about not canceling Mercy’s healing beam when she casts valk?

Ah, that delay. Yeah, that’d be okay to remove that. o_o

make cooldown 5 seconds and make it so resets upon kill but remove his reload or just reduce it to 3 bullets per roll or something

lmao, imagine a fan the hammer roll chain killing… that’d be so dumb