A grandmaster players opinion on every hero balance wise (5/8/19)

i disagree with the zarya one

zarya’s grav got heavily nerfed and they buffed her that way to compensate

if you want to make her go back to the way she was then grav needs to return back to its original radius

The follow up is not hard to do though. If the team isn’t bad, then they will press w and the enemy will die with ease.

If they’re bad and don’t follow up, Sombra can choose to be the follow up instead. Your D.Va is using her bomb? EMP and collect some kills. Is there a team fight already happening? Ult and boom.

It can be. If the enemy team gets extremely aggressive and focused, which we have seen in league. It depends on the match.

Regardless as I said before, I was not disputing it was powerful. Only that it can win a fight alone. It cannot.

That 50% damage increase and defense isn’t special anymore which is why it got the heal buff to beginning with anyway. 150 is too low 200 is fine though.

EMP can prevent the enemy team from using ults and abilities leaving very little counterplay, so it alone can.

Is it better when comboed? Perhaps.

It doesn’t matter if their abilties are disabled if there is no followup. It isn’t like Rip-Tire, which actually has a max potential of wiping an entire team completely alone.

EMP requires additional input to be successful, so by definition cannot win a fight alone.

Okay dude. Whatever you’re smoking, I’ll have some of it as well. Must be some good stuff.

Each ult requires xyz to be successful and I think Sombras is one of the easier ones to achieve.

Ex: solider needs to make sure Defense matrix and barriers are down all while being in a good position with good sight lines of the enemy.
Reaper needs to make sure stuns and defense matrix are down and there arent snipers or anything to quickly shut him down.
D.Va has to look out for a ton of different cooldowns and the map/timing.
Reinhardt needs to work around barriers and play mind games.
I could go on.

Again, I was not disputing power level. I was disputing that it was able to do stuff alone. Anything that requires followup, by definition, cannot get the job done alone.

It’s a balancing factor in EMP’s strength. EMP is easier to successfully cast because it requires more followup than most other ults.

Sombra has actually average stats in GM, its time for the sledge hammer nerfs.

the changes were not intended to be a sombra nerf, as much as i hate her. she has low pickrates and winrates while being the most broken hero by design. its impossible to balance her as she is. she needed some nerfs and buffs

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No it’s time to shift power from EMP into the rest of her kit. Meaning nerfing EMP and helping her in some other way.

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Aside from sombra spread decrease, and mercy heal buff, there is very little here that i find issue with.
Even those two items would be livable.

Would add

teleporter activation time decrease for sym, and place the tp just slightly more in front of her.

Slight reduction to the time it takes Bastion to go from sentey to recon, and reduce time to turn into tank.

You can’t be the most broken and also awful. Plenty of people hate playing against your main as much as they people hate playing against Sombra. Silences have been in video games for years and years and years. They help decrease the power levels of crazy good abilties, which helps keep them in check.

Abilties already matter so much more than raw healing and damage, even with Sombra, this problem doesn’t need to become even worse just because some people don’t like it.

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im saying her design makes her the most broken so she needs to be bad in her current state

Y’know… most of this is pretty solid

I’m confused by this one, what piledriver bug are you talking about? I’m maining Wrecking Ball right now and I don’t recall ever seeing a bug with his piledriver. One thing I would like to see, however, is an improvement to the areas he can connect his grappling hook to. Right now that aspect is a bit wonky, the game can be very picky in regards to surfaces that you can connect to, and it can be very frustrating when you’re trying to attach it and it’ll just keep breaking while you’re basically standing still and staring at the enemy like an idiot.

I would actually rather her Damage boost feel more impact since its so hard to tell when it actually does anything of use.

the hitbox is just buggy sometimes, hits you when it shouldnt and misses you when it should hit

Doomfist buffs

yeah, that’s gonna be a no from me dawg