A design fit for royalty: An inside look at her majesty, the Junker Queen

A design fit for royalty: An inside look at her majesty, the Junker Queen

Tanks play more aggressively in Overwatch 2, and Junker Queen is certainly no exception—in fact, she’d consider herself the rule.

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Heck yeah I can’t wait


same first thing i’m gonna do is a custom game against hard bots. gonna play a ton of custom games in beta 2

with junker queen of course

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“We actually came up some ways to make Roadhog fun but we decided to make it a new character”


but roadhog is fun ?? :eyes:


He is fun, but Im sure hog mains will be envy of the fact that JQ might end up just be him but more versatile yknow. With just the same amount of disrupt, has a good close range, has an active self heal that doesn’t make you stare at the Take a Breather cooldown so much.


So about Ana vs Junker Queen.

Is AntiHeal and SleepDart going to make Junker Queen into a joke hero?


damn thats crazy can you remove anti nade though

While an interesting design, I think her reveal — namely the cinematic — missed the mark for her.

Here, she’s mentioned to be brutal and cutthroat, but her cinematic depicts otherwise.

While we don’t have voice line interactions just yet, I hope that’s addressed in there?


dont worry. just wait till the modders get their hands on her model.

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Interesting new hero! Now if only you’d respond to any of the questions and concerns about monetization and phone requirements.


If ana uses all her cooldowns on JQ, she’s fodder for flankers. JQ will be fine just like how roadhog is still a Thing even though she exists.


Roadhog was the weakest Tank in the beta…


everybody needs a weakness but i think ana will be more of a counter to her than roadhog. maybe doomfist is still the one being bullied by ana the most? JQ will be second?

That’s weird considering that DVa exists

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Well, they are both basically non-viable because of Ana.

It’s negotiable which one is screwed over more.

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Apparently everyone without a shield is unviable in the face of the almighty, unstoppable force that is Ana.


Orisa is fine.

But that’s because she’s got two defensive abilities that can counter Ana’s two abilities.

Drop that 1.0sec D.va matrix reuse timer to like 0.1sec and D.va would mostly be fine too.

Missed opportunity to make her retuning knife a boomerang especially considering she is Australian.

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A bit too on the nose, perhaps? Then again, they gave an African hero the ability to throw spears…

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