A compromise on the fade buff

But what if it only cleansed status effects.

But that also included Sleep/Earthshatter/Hack.

Would go a long way towards making DoubleOffTank not be a throw comp.

Sleep and earthshatter is too much. I’d limit it to dynamite, venom mine, hack, anti-nade, and discord.


Personally I’m looking at this as a way to drastically increase the Tank Role popularity, by reducing the amount of BarrierTanking that gets demanded.

More Tanks = Better Queue times.

Hard to think of a good reason that would offset that huge advantage.

Because sleep is a single target stun that takes skill to land. having it canceled with fade is dumb imo. Also we already have a mass exodus of tank players. I always hated playing Rein but I never minded it sometimes because getting big shatters is pretty fun. His recent shatter nerfs made me never want to pick him up again. Another counter to it will make even more tank players quit.


Well I could agree with Sleep reasoning, it’s already limited enough.

Shatter, what if they reverted the shatter nerf, but made it capable of being cleansed?

Sure, if they lighten up on the orb changes why not because this utility is supposed to be compensation for nerfing her consistency.

The issue is we don’t have a problem with lack of off-tanks. It’s main tank no one wants to play. I’m very cautions about them putting changes to make main tank even more annoying to play. Main tank has to deal with a lot of bad stuff…bad healers…getting constantly farmed with dmg creep…all the cc. But the one thing Rein has is his amazing ult. Removing that impact is a bad move imo.

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We have a lack of Tank players, and BarrierTanks aren’t that fun compared to offtanks.

So you’d think it would be easier to make DoubleOffTank not be a throw comp, because it’s vulnerable to Bionade and Shatter.

Throw in something that reduces Ult charge feeding, and Roadhog/Zarya would be a legit composition for most skill tiers.

That kinda ignores the problem though doesn’t it? We want to make barrier tanks more fun. We can super buff offtanks to the point where main tank becomes extinct but I don’t really want that.

Yeah, but the problem is “We want the Tank Role to be more fun”.

Or more specifically, we want more Tank players.

The main reason for the barriertank focus, is the idea that they couldn’t remove the issues with

  1. Ult charge feeding
  2. Vulnerability to Bionade
  3. Vulnerability to Earthshatter
  4. Snipers with good aim

But if you can counter/remove the first 3 issues, and snipers with bad aim aren’t much of a threat.

Then that solves it.

True but tank isn’t just one thing. Like If all flankers were struggling we wouldn’t say we need to make dps better. I’m still trying to figure out what barrier tanks need tbh. Because once upon a time I used to love playing Orisa but now I hate her.

I always wondered why Zen ult doesn’t cleanse bionade. I’m no Zen main though so this could be stupid.

The main reason for the barriertank focus, is the idea that they couldn’t remove the issues with

  1. Ult charge feeding
  2. Vulnerability to Bionade
  3. Vulnerability to Earthshatter
  4. Snipers with good aim

But if you can counter/remove the first 3 issues, and snipers with bad aim aren’t much of a threat.

Then that solves it.

As for Orisa, the main issue is there’s not much active choices in playstyle.

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Would probably help. Mercy also could possibly have a cleanse burst when casting Valk.

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I don’t think Fade as is works well, to be honest it seems like a weird change to me.

Why not just scrap her orbs in favor of a Regen Burst + Cleanse and this new ability? She actually has some unique utility then.

I like those Orisa changes because they make her more offensive. I think I just hate how passive her playstyle feels now.

That wouldn’t take skill then. The main change of this is now Moira needs a lot more skill and this raises her skill ceiling. If it’s at the end then she has to time it right. If it’s at the beginning people will remain crying about how she’s Braindead

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There is no need for compromise for it because its not even good in the first place if you want you can see the gutting of her damage orb that was already UP as the compromise


the problem is that maintanking isn’t fun due to always being ccd

off tanks are relatively more fine, in that regard

I think it’s more to do with having to be aggressive, but not getting to do much killing, while being fully dependant on DPS/Healers to follow you and take care of you.

If you look at other Tanks, usually have better firepower, and some strong selfsustain/escape capability.

This would be a different way to prevent fade too often without kneecapping Moira’s only mobility.