A birthday surprise for a special fan

These are both great ideas guys! I’ll be sure to give them a shot

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I hope this works out, Happy 18th regardless! :cherry_blossom: :sunny:

If you want to try some of the other voice actors, Sombra’s(Carolina Ravassa) is youtube(Hispanglosaxon) and does regular-ish videos.

Symmetra’s(Anjali Bhimani) is also on youtube(Sweeetanj) and does regular videos as well.

You could easily message them there or try to find their twitter if they use it.

This definitely seems like something both of them would love to do for a fan.

I can link this to the voice actors for Zenyatta and Brigitte…he usually responds to my tweets, and I met him in person just a week ago. (Brigitte blessed my cat, as well…)

Too pure.

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Okay, I linked this post (shows up as a preview in the Tweet) to Zenyatta and Brigitte. Will post more info when they get back to me. :slight_smile:

You know life breaks you down strike after strike but you just have to get back up and strike back hopefully something amazing happens cheers.

Thank you so much! She loves playing Brigitte!

Hi all!
Going to go ahead and lock the thread as it does not pertain to discussion about the game itself directly.
Although the post is well meaning, we do need to try our best to keep the threads on track for encouraging feedback and discussion about the game itself.

We’re all rooting for your friend , and hope she has a great birthday, however our Development staff is unable to grant this request right now.
We receive requests like this all the time, and sadly can’t answer all of them, as much as we would love to.
The love and positivity in this thread is fantastic and we’re super glad to see the community as a whole step-up on this to hopefully bring some much needed light to OP’s friend’s situation.

Thank you for your understanding.