A big problem with Overwatch

There is a serious issue with this game: in ranked some people want to pay a certain comp, while others don’t. And those two groups of people do not work very well with one another.

This issue is causing a lot of toxicity and frustration, and is making overall gaming experience unenjoyable to a certain degree.

Blizzard were effectively saying it’s up to us, the players, to sort this issue between ourselves, but it’s not. It’s Blizzard who should fix it, and there hasn’t been any solution for that, our at least any update on it for quite a while now.

thats why we need forced 2-2-2. qp and comp. Kappa


You mean to say that people argue over which characters would be best for the team? Must be a new thing.

Some people want to win by playing meta , others have private profiles with no mic who instalock anyone they want.

My post didn’t claim this is a new problem, did it?

And you still get grouped with them in masters… they must be pretty good.

I fail to see your point.

Be they good or bad, that isn’t the topic of this discussion. The topic is that the two groups of people, those who want a certain comp and those who don’t care about the comp that much, they do not really work well together with each other, when put on the same team.

And it is up to Blizzard to resolve this problem.


Okay I eat my words, here’s a recent update: