A 45 damage difference destroys Brig because?

I could be wrong on it ignoring armor. Someone brought it up in one of the “only doomfist can rescue us from goats” threads.

Her kit has been ridiculously bloated. I am sure if it feels too low they will adjust the healing numbers, but it will never be a 1 for 1 sqap when they are trying to fix her in general

Wasn’t asking for a 1 to 1. The devs made it seem like the changes are there for a power distribution. To tone down her offensive capabilities while improving her supportive. While increasing her hps by less than 1 is technically improving it it’s by such a small and meaningless amount that players won’t notice the difference. At far as changing her goes the crappy state Bastion was in for over a year and Mercy being stupidly OP and Jeff being completely unaware that Doomfist had bugs before someone reminded him we have a bug report section on the forums tells me if it’s wrong it will just be wrong for a long time.

A 45 damage difference destroys Brig because her strength was being a reliable counter pick to Tracer/Genji in the way that she can shield herself from their damage, has a whip that is much easier to hit with against their small agile hitboxes (contrary to McCrees Peacekeeper) & has a stun that can’t be deflected (contrary to McCrees flashbang). Now that she can’t combo Tracer when she does manage to land her stun (now on a 7 second cooldown) if the team doesn’t capitalize off of it (which often times they don’t unless you’re in GM/Top 500/Pro Scene) Tracer can recall & continue oppressing the backline practically uncontested until Brigitte gets her shield bash back up again. Buffing her healing by a slim margin isn’t going to warrant playing her instead of another healer that can sustain the team with stronger heals (in my opinion)

Because she is no longer a hard counter to Tracer. No more will tracer fear stepping into the back line to murder Ana with Brig’s pillow of a shield.

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Because she’s basically a soft hero ban on Tracer. If you gamble picking Tracer, betting they don’t have Brig, you’re wasting the time it takes to roll out, check, go back to spawn and switch, then roll back out to fight. It wastes time to roll the dice, and easier to just assume it’s not safe.
Of course, I’m not saying Brig isn’t really good, but she’s still definitely why Tracer was hardly picked.

Basically. His potential damage and mobility easily fights back against the HP and Brig in goats, along with his guaranteed squishy-killer ult.

My point was she still gets a ton of value even if Tracer isn’t around.

people got used to her being a dps/tank/support hybrid when she was intended to be a tank/support hybrid.

A 45 damage difference destroys Brig because?

Do you remember season 4, right after they nerfed Ana’s damage from 80 to 60. and we didn’t see her again until season 10.

Her 3 combo lost 40 damage.

And what’s the problem with that? She still has a stun and Whip Shot. The only change will be the fact that she can no longer do all on her own and actually has to play with the team.

As for the kill setup thing: I don’t see a problem with that either, that means GOATS will be weaker to some extent, wich I’m 100% fine with (hella boring comp).

Torb has always been a spectacular counter to Tracer—better than Brig even in my opinion. However he’s been too situational in the past and too easily counterplayed by other heroes.

Let me assure you that no halfway decent Tracer fears shield bash. It’s not half the threat that McCree’s flashbang is. :joy: Hell, I’d fight three Brigs over one good Hanzo.

Uhh, dunno what you’re talking about. Even Seagull calls playing Tracer into Brig practically throwing. At GM/Pro level.

Has nothing to do with shield bash. Shield bash is only one of dozens of Tracer instakill combos already in the game. Brig counters Tracer with her armor, which reduces the damage output of Tracer’s guns by 50%.

Armor does not have this effect on Widow, McCree, Junk, Hanzo, Ashe, etc., because their damage per shot is above the threshold below which shots are reduced by 50%. Instead, these other characters lose only 5 damage per shot, which is negligible. Even Soldier is affected to a much lesser degree, as his significantly more forgiving spread and dropoff allow him to shoot from a distance, stripping off enemy armor with little risk. Armor destroys Tracer’s value.

When Seagull said that Brig counters Tracer “just by existing,” this may be what he meant.

Nah dawg, she’s completely unplayable now Kappa her soul purpose is to just stand in spawn. These CoD kids don’t care about CC they WANT DAMAGE MonKas. This isn’t Overwatch anymore, this is straight up OverwatchDaycare.

These are my ideas for buffs to Brigitte:

Brig had pretty low damage already. 45 less is a lot .

If you think Brigitte being able to instantly combo 155-190 damage onto any 200hp hero is a low amount of damage, I honestly don’t know what to tell you.

Not to mention this damage does not come without her general ease of use and absurd utility.

Care to elaborate which one of Brig’s abilities does 150 damage?

People refer to her three-hit combo as a oneshot. Yes, it’s technically three hits but once the combo begins, it’s as inescapable as a Widow headshot.

If you know anything about statistics, you would know its data is accurate even with private profiles.

Interpreting the data however is a different thing entirely.

Damage matters.

It was important they lowered it and perhaps even better if they added a 0.3 second wind-up time to it rather than leaving it with a ‘is she going to do it or not’.

In all honesty it probably needs to be pretty close to melee damage, because she doesn’t have sufficient follow-through for it when she does get it off. Most other CC abilities do.