9/10 Placements 8 win streak from 2 match

goats live off of teamwork, it’s a lot of little details that make you win goats vs goats, when to use abilities and ults is one major one, another is target focus

just staying as a deathball and everyone clicking buttons and shooting whatever is not playing goats

Sorry man,

I don’t recall you being in my games?

Me and my team had excellent teamwork and didn’t drop a game actually, so whatever minor problem you apparently have that’s causing you to come off so passive towards me can leave.

Im not interested in your assumptions of how i play/coordinate with my team, now if you were there I’d take your assumptions into consideration but you weren’t, if you have a problem say so my man, trust me you’ll feel better.

sorry but gold or plats don’t play perfect goats, that’s why they’re golds or plats

even gms don’t, heck even teams in owl don’t

so don’t be upset that i don’t think you’re playing perfect goats


Thats based off your opinion and assumptions off my rank? That’s your basis for coming off passive, i can’t comprehend that.

I never claimed that we ran goats perfect, but we did run the comp and we dominated, ending two games after taking the first point actually after brilliant defense rounds, once on Numbani and the other on Eichenwald.

I am gold, i went 9/10 and i play well. I solo qued all of my ranked games the season before which lead me doing quite poorly 5/10 placements and landing in high silver 1976sr which influenced my ranking this season.

But don’t for a second see gold and assume im ok in dealing with you being passive towards me, or that im some scrub that doesn’t know what there talking about because that isn’t the case.

no that’s based on my experience at that rank, and i don’t play well and i know it

i played everywhere from 1750 to 3250 SR and there a night and day difference just going up 250 - 300 SR

so you got 200 more sr. that is not bad at all. what are you being so angry about?

Placement matches are not to be understood as “free attempt at being boosted.”

It always places you very close to your last rating. More often just slightly lower in an attempt to “encourage” you with some wins as you climb back.

You start climbing in placement matches, but you earn higher ranks by climbing after placement matches. <- Look at it that way.