Ban XIM, BAN XIM, right NOW

1000th thread about it but i dont care, iam sick of blizzard allowing cheaters to enjoy themselves.

I just met same ximmer after 1 month, i said mass report this cheater and all i got is “bro its gm you gotta cheat with xim”, this is state of console overwatch, so FUN.

How is this even real, even Aaron said its cheating but they are not CAPABLE for 7 years to handle it?? Any master+ player can very well recognize xiiming because of twitching micromovements but yet they cant ban it??

Just hire one guy who will go through xim reports and verify it, the console community isnt so big


You can’t ban something you can’t distinguish. Let’s not nod to that R6. All they do is a placebo. Unless you install an actual camera spyware and monitor what user does - there’s no way to determine xim.

if humans can recognize it than they can make system too


first wrong

second wrong (also based on the first one).

There’s no way to do it. Not without a lot of overlapping and false-positives. Heuristics are terrible when you must adhere to “innocent until proven guilty”. And if you abandon that principle - the game is as good as a dumpster fire.

Xim is like a new coat: It’ll be around forever, heh, heh, heh…

Exactly! How can you tell the difference between XiM and these massive hitboxes? It’s impossible. People are definitely confusing the two. The aim requirement lowered so much that I feel as I am cheating. XiM is not even that bad in this update. Just use your massive projectiles and land shots back?

Funnily enough it is actually MUCH easier for a human to recognize cheating than to recognize XIM and we still have not been able to do a great job on training Deep Learning software on how to do it without getting a lot of false positives.

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Didn’t R6 devs say that they indeed do detect xims but didn’t decide to ban them for some reason?

I’m pretty sure these devices are still detectable.

only way probably is making the game a moba with no aim requirements at all. like world of warcraft pvp but yea dont think thats a solutiuon heh

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You are joking no? Man its different level when you xim, they microtwitching on other heads is just insane. Playing gm in console is atrocious because of it, usually you go tracer, sombra, dva and try to bully the ashe xim as much as possible because otherwise you lose, its cheater vs no cheater

bigger hitboxes didnt help much, still XIM wins in aim

They agreed with your solution and already implemented it into the game.

yea i do play moira as support :japanese_goblin: :japanese_ogre:

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Was this a random mode that existed for a day or two because I just played the live game and its nothing like that.

If you wanna share name of that player sure.

Huh? Ps5 EU - LWBLUE, and i dont care about “witchhunting rule”, its a confirmed cheater so it doesnt apply here

From the videos of xims I’ve seen, it’s more than obvious when some people use them because they are toggled to the max. The thing with controllers are that the speed of the sticks could only be so fast or or slow. Xims allows you to have acceleration varaition that’s impossible for controllers and almost 0 recoil to the point the acceleration humanly not possible with a mouse either. That’s what people mean with the so called “snap” because the acceleration of the movement are not possible without a software that affects it.

Overwatch 2 Console CronusZen Aimbot No Recoil NEW
XIM Matrix - Anti Recoil For Soldier and Baptiste


I was being a bit facetious. I can absolutely tell the difference, but I genuinely do not care. It’s just so silly to complain about cheaters in a party game. Are they cringe? Definitely. I just fail to see why anyone actually cares about what they are doing. There is absolutely no reason to take this game seriously enough to be concerned about what input device those losers are using on console.

Because i like ranked and pushing high ranks and i cant stand losing against cheater with obvious advantage. I dont care in qp much but in comp its a nono.

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Um, dude. Killcams. It’s pretty obvious when someone is using a mouse

If they do implement anti-cheat software, they should call it DiB.