Expand your skills with New Hero Mastery Courses

Expand your skills with New Hero Mastery Courses

Earn new rewards as you master challenging new courses for Lucio, D.Va. Echo, Genji, and Mei!

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You people should rather work on the games balance.


Mid season patch when

  • Genji Hero Mastery Courses are available starting January 30.

You know that will be one of the most fun.


I keep forgetting these are even in the game.
Only if we could have proper pve one dayā€¦


Why is it 5 heroes per every other seasonā€¦ it cannot be that hard to make.

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Very excited for this!


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Theyā€™re drip-feeding hero mastery courses now?



These heroes actually look interesting for this mode. I always felt Rein, Winston and Mercy were all pretty dull choices for this

Tbh i have not even played in weeks but will try this now lol

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Someone has to be. :neutral_face:

Please scrap this mode completely before you waste any more resourcesā€¦ This is just embarrassingā€¦


If only the versions of the heroes from the mastery courses matched the ones you played in game, these courses might be valuable.

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So true, this is honestly scaring me.
Maybe the dev team should let Toys For Bob make the PVE, I mean Skylanders had 50 times the heroes all with their own skill trees. Imagine what they can do for Overwatch.


Dude, as someone who plays on Nintendo and has to deal with their drip feedsā€¦ You guys really make every release they make for the app on the Switch look generous.

Why would you re relase overwatch 1 skins on the shop instead of releasing new skins??

Because they ran out of new skins. Should be more later

Okay besides the training dummies cosmetics.

Why should I play these?

My hero mastery is in PVP, not in PVE bot slaying.

Idk man just my thoughts.

Iā€™ve already put my time into workshop modes made specifically to temper my hero skills and already put in the time. Hell still putting time into these modes on the playable maps.

I just donā€™t see the value here with these courses.


People think to one sided and to negativity for you your already a good player so of course you ā€œCanā€™t see itā€ and yeah yeah People always say ā€œpractice in qpā€

This shows me how really bad I actually am without the pressure of trying to actually win the game. It makes it much more clear what Im missing and how slow I really am In game.


They could release polarhog skin instead of santaclad for tobjorn.

This is the only mode that I truly can appreciate from the company!

Iā€™ve had an AMAZING time playing it.

Thank you!