Director’s Take – Retrospective from BlizzCon 2023

Director’s Take – Retrospective from BlizzCon 2023

Game Director Aaron Keller is back with a recap of the news at BlizzCon 2023 including Clash, Mauga updates, and the vision for Overwatch.

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More male midriffs please!!!


This is fantastic news thank you for this update Aaron…

The best possible thing you could add to this game is mouse and keyboard support for Console and separation of the player pools dependent on input type!

Please consider this for the future!



Mauga Changes Teased

  • Replace a chunk of his health with armor. We’re experimenting with 150 internally.
  • Reduce the size of his head’s hit volume.
  • Increase the damage reduction on Overrun. Originally it was at 30%, we’re testing it at 50%. Also, this can no longer be interrupted by Hack.
  • Increase the lifesteal on Cardiac Overdrive.
  • There are quite a few changes in flight for his weapons. We’re testing different spreads and firing rates when using both guns simultaneously, as well as different damage, ammo, and falloff numbers. We’ll have more details on those as they solidify.

that sounds cool!


“When I use the term competitive, I don’t just mean playing Ranked, even Quick Play is demanding and sweaty. That intensity and fast pace are inherent to most modes in our game, and we love that!”

uh oh, the casuals wont like that


If they care about QP being competitive, why not add a working matchmaking system to qp?

And where is the 6v6 open queue arcade mode?


We want lifeweaver buffs


I’ve got my popcorn at the ready lol


PvE where you at? You know… The thing that makes overwatch 1 overwatch 2?


personally i want more story missions and lore bits. a netflix series would be awesome too even a pixar netflix series or maybe an animated pixar movie


yea im thinking thats not coming anytime soon sigh


Just an idea, but have you considered just changing antinade instead?


We’re excited for these modes and events but didn’t talk about them much. I don’t want any of you to get the wrong idea here – we are still committed to events like this – but we want these to be a ‘surprise and delight’ moment for our players.

You’re right, 60 bucks K-Pop skin bundle is truly surprising for us yet isn’t very much delightful at all.


I know he needs survivability buffs, but if they end up buffing everything, he just might end up being broken.

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I still cannot believe how NO ONE from blizzard has said ANYTHING about fixing player profiles for those of us who play console and PC. I haven’t been able to see my console profile sonce ow2 launched almost 14 MONTHS AGO. WHY IS THIS STILL NOT FIXED AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY IS IT NOT BEING ADDEESSED???


No one cares about PvE. They also said sometime next year they will bring out new missions. But I think they will turn PvE down a lot and focus on PvP mainly. PvE is just not worth the effort. Sorry.

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Illari ruined with all the nerfs and this new tank gets 10 buffs before he is even out…

1: I care.
2: Steam reviews say otherwise. Know why they’re like that? Because of the broken PVE promise. We got everything else and yet PvE promise broken caused those overwhelmingly negative reviews.


Replace a chunk of his health with armor.

No matter how much armor you give him he will either be dead meat or unkillable which is the problem with every tank in 5v5.

we are still committed to events like this – but we want these to be a ‘surprise and delight’ moment for our players

Now is the time to impress your playerbase, not after everyone has already left due lack of any good content.

listening to a story about how two people met in Overwatch, got married, and are now expecting their first child is a different thing altogether.

I am sure this game has brought more misery than anything good judging by what majority of ppl are reporting. Think again what you are doing to this game and your playerbase. If you have doubts, it is enough to look at the Steam reviews.


Classic case of Blizzard’s “overpromise and underdeliver”.


You’re not wrong, I was mad when I read that, I was hoping they would say someting like we are making a more casual mode, honestly its tone deaf as all get out that they think that only sweaty try hards play this game, some of us like a casual setting.