Overwatch 2 - What to Expect at BlizzCon® 2023

Overwatch 2 - What to Expect at BlizzCon® 2023

BlizzCon® is just around the corner, and there is a packed schedule of events for every Overwatch 2 fan including panels, live demos, the Overwatch® World Cup, and more!

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wake me up when you bring leveling up lootboxes back or reduce the skin prices to a managable 5 dollar tops, or ANY customer-friendly practice that isn’t about milking us dry with each season


I expect nothing but disappointment.


Wished there was StarCraft - What’s Next. Looking forward to the show. Love to see the new hero and next year roadmap.

Gnight sleeping beauty. Since no one will.


After Roadhog is reworked so he can mitigate damage done to his team, we still need Wrecking Ball and Orisa reworked and re-balanced to be less obnoxious to play against and more team-oriented (OW1 Orisa is healthier for the game than the Orisa we have now), and Doomfist reworked so he’s not obnoxious to play against (and because he cannot properly tank for his team).

Doomfist would be back in the Damage Role like he was in OW1, but with no stun, less displacement of enemies, and less burst damage potential so he is a lot more fun to play against.

Here’s my suggested Doomfist changes:


  • Moved from Tank to Damage Role
  • Base health reduced from 450 to 250

Power Block

  • Ability Removed

Rising Uppercut

  • OW1 Rising Uppercut Added
  • Reduce upwards travel and knock-up of Uppercut

Seismic Slam

  • Now also allows for targeting the ground mid-air to travel downward (damage ramping from OW1 would stay gone, and Doomfist keeps the OW2 verticality to his Slam)

Rocket Punch

  • No longer stuns
  • Wall impact damage removed
  • Knock-back reduced
  • Impact damage buffed (would do less than 200 impact damage)
  • Charge up time buffed

Meteor Strike

  • Slow on enemies removed
  • Outer-ring damage buffed

TL;DR. Can you post a summary of things your players may actually care about? Start with how you guys are going to give back to the players what was taken away.


get us out of this .


Thanks for the info, but probably just going to have to catch the highlights. Busy weekend.

Maybe next year.
They mentioned changes to the store/bp systems coming next year as well as updates to progression, so there’s a faint light in the distance.

Could be heaven, hell, or a restroom. Who knows.

Mauga animated short where we see Baptiste abandon Talon mid mission confirmed. GG EZ

"New Hero Deep Dive
November 3 – 2:30 PM PT – BlizzCon Arena

Join Overwatch 2 developers as they explore the art, backstory, and abilities of our newest hero, including the premiere of their origin story cinematic."


I’m pretty sure they’re all excited to show us more predatory monetization they’ll implement just before Christmas.


Soooo… everyone’s gonna watch for that like 10 minute segment on Mauga on youtube then tune out? Got it

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inb4 they pull a Chrom and Mauga is defeated in the opening of the cinematic for the real new hero


I’m looking forward to blizzcon!


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Nah I’m staying to hear about the future of story missions

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Not until they started pulling out the “DLC microtransaction” treatment for it.

You are going to buy those after the first wave flopped? I guess Blizzard does everything for a reason :skull:

like the usual “My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined”


Phil Spencer must show up! He won us Xboxers the console war!

“Average recent year Blizzcon announcements in a nutshell”