Director’s Take – Looking to the Future of Competitive Overwatch

Director’s Take – Looking to the Future of Competitive Overwatch

Game Director Aaron Keller’s latest blog looks at the future of Competitive Play in Overwatch 2

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I’ve been really enjoying the hero mastery mode! Looking forward to these changes to ranked competitive!

It would be nice if we could see our ranks again in the bottom left! (or at least have an option to display it client-side!)

Will you implement FSR 3 or DLSS 3.5? That would be super cool! Upscaling and frame generation technologies help to make the game more accessible to a wider audience!



One of your Devs was talking about adding a rank above GM on Twitter, any updates on this?

I think it’d be nice considering the OW2 rank inflation has pushed way too many people into GM who have no business being there and it has made the rank super casual feeling and also all over the place and inconsistent


“Eventually, we’d love to find a way for players of other ranks to have an experience in climbing the ranks that feels more granular than just moving in and out of skill tiers”

sounds familiar


Well, we have a tentative time for the Roadhog rework. Mid season 7.

Not much else was concretely addressed. A lot of ‘we’re looking at’ and ‘we want to change something’ statements. I guess any significant comp changes are a while off.


Eventually, we’d love to find a way for players of other ranks to have an experience in climbing the ranks that feels more granular than just moving in and out of skill tiers.

Going forward, we’re shifting our values to provide more transparency to the mode. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the older skill rating measurement is or isn’t coming back.

so what your saying is, u know you want the old granular system but your ego wont let you bring it back so your going to find a convoluted middle ground no one asked for that we’ll have to complain about for months before you finally take 1 more step closer to the old system.

so why not just skip all of that and give us the old system?

your going to end up there anyway why not time travel


K now tell us about the next story missions and archives. I only play comp for gold guns so this doesn’t matter much to me.

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A big textwall of nothing.
Not even a single specific change is being mentioned. What was even the point of this post?


Bring back the old SR <3


This article manages to say pretty much nothing substantial - but with a lot of words. Transparency through opacity. Good job.


Yea, they arent going to fix any of the real problems…

As they intentionally created many of them to increase profitability


It’s not complicated. Just revert the entire ranking system back to OW1.


the article says absolutelly nothing at all, as always they admit people is not happy and thats it, this time they didnt even promise to do better


“and look to introduce new competitive rewards”

More casual players throwing comp games, brilliant


Additionally, we understand the way we track progress can cause losses to feel more frustrating. Currently, the system will provide a rank update after every five wins or fifteen losses. After each win, progress is shown on a screen during the end-of-round flow, but losses are not. When the game doesn’t acknowledge the loss, it can feel as though the whole match was a waste of time. We’re making changes so that the system will contribute your progress toward a rank update after every match, whether you win or lose, so that no match feels like a complete waste of time.

You absolutely missed the point here, and this solution doesn’t address it. It’s actually impressive.

We want to see our progress on wins in terms of our skill rating. I don’t care to “track the losses” - I can see how many losses I have based on what it tells me in text, I don’t need a visual for it. I want to see how my wins actually matter before I complete a set of 5 wins or 15 losses. If I win 4 in a row, I would like to see that actually matter. Right now, I can win 4, then lose 4, and win my 5th all in one session, and I will stay the same rank. And it feels like I just played 9 games with absolutely no progress and that feels bad.

How do you hear the complaints, especially in Eskay’s video that you reference, and you come up with this as a solution? That wasn’t the issue.


Congrats to Eskay.



It’s ridiculous how they’re overcomplicating this. Just show us the sr number go up and down with every win/loss.


It really is.

Like, the information is already there. I don’t need it visualized LMAO. It tells you how many you’ve won and lost in a set.

Visualizations are nice. But I don’t care to visualize an unrewarding competitive experience even more. Fix the fundamental issues and then maybe I’d care to have it visualized.


Tbh, they should just copy EXACTLY the OW1 system.

Except with the current feature where SR tracks much more closely to MMR.

Additionally, give people the options to use the old OW1 skill tier icons.


I don’t even mind the new ranking update system

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