800 hours genji main: revert damage and spread buff

I don’t think 6 per volley makes the difference other than the break point of the one shot combo.

What you give him is the deflect and damage buffs. And revert the fire rate reduction ammo and spread of his right click.
To be clear:
Secondary fire:
Recovery time increased from 0.65s to 0.75s
Spread increased from 9 to 12
Ammo decreased to 24 from 30

To be fair a lot of damage can be negated by healing

u cant deny doomfist damage and tracer damage…

You very much can.
Unless doomfist has hit you with a fully charged punch into a wall. You can heal it.
Unless tracer is so close she’s hitting a ton of headshots. You can out heal it.
Just like if genji hits headshots it’s difficult to our heal.

They all have their damage that can be healed.


To the OP’s design, one problem we have now with the recent buffs and I think with a lot of Genji mains is they presuppose he is supposed to be “best DPS boi” front-line fighter when in reality, like Tracer, he’s supposed to be a fragile flanker which led to people constantly refraining with “GenJI NeEdz BufFZ” over and over thinking he should be more than he was intended for. Unlimited double-jump is one huge issue in his kit for 3/4 of the tiers, even the designer regrets putting it in (on record btw with Otaku). He was never meant to be this easy to get value from.

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old genji before not really flanker tbh

because your damage are not enough to kill someone solo unless they are alone and out of position, it also 50:50 skilled match up

what i purpose is not a flanker genji (current genji is a flanker and dps) but more hit and run and annoying genji

he be less lethal than now but more annoying like tracer

my original suggestion for genji changes was this…

not sure IF the damage change, but the spread one for sure, and he needs his ult charge increased to make up for the new damage,

my suggestion tries to give him a new niche because he cant compete with other flankers without beeing broken with massive buffs

Well, all I can say is he was always classified and referenced by Blizzard as a flanker… :man_shrugging:

As a genji main that belongs to a more respectable rank, this is the worst idea I have ever came across. His dash should not be touched, there’s no point in making the cooldown shorter because usually when you dash you kill someone, giving you another dash. Also, his damage isn’t the annoying part about his kit. The new deflect should be reverted 100% because it just throws everyone off, including me. What should happen is they revert the deflect cancel, make his ult harder to get and nerf brig. Genji is still awful against brig and any other cc.

and this is the worst way you could have started an argument…

kinda lost all credibility the second you felt the need to flex your rank to justify your opinion

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Your suggestions are phenomenal. I wholey support your line of thinking for the changes. Zen, Bastion, Genji are all archaic characters that could not compete due to powercreep.

I like your suggestions but would say that dash should be left alone while implementing the rest of your ideas. Too bad blizzard will just ignore them.

Always could.

4 seconds? That’s not mathematically possible with RMB unless all three shots are headshots, and given the size of Reinhardt’s headbox and current spread of Genji’s RMB, it’s generally not possible to get all 3 shots to land unless in point-blank range, which would mean that Reinhardt would be in attack range to swing his hammer at you, and that would mean that he would kill you faster that you could him.

If LMB headshots, this is not new. Genji could always do this (168 vs. 180 damage over 4 seconds still equates to the same kill points).

Except that’s not what Deflect does nor was intended to counter solely hitscan, but all projectile/missile-based weapons/attacks. This is not a good idea.

This is another bad idea.

Also bad.

Nope, not unless other damage-role heroes get similar treatments. Genji doesn’t get to be a special snowflake here.

That’s not Blizzard’s design goals for Genji, nor was it ever.

Never was intended by Blizzard that Dragonblade be the sole-source of killing power for Genji, or even mostly.

Under this scenario, Genji would be at 150 HP, with 17 second cooldown on Swiftstrike and 17 second cooldown on Deflect. Making his Swiftstrike the worst damage-based ability in the game by several magnitudes.

Up to a certain point, this is true.

Being unable to track a bouncing target is not a fault of game design and more to do with the player’s inability to properly track targets (though this could easily be taught through basic tutorials).

If you got a link, post it.

THis seems contradictory given the extensive beta period and several years of balance patches including the most recent one.

Yes he was.

Yes it was, and 50/50 match ups are pretty common for nearly all damage heroes.

That’s basically Tracer’s job; not Genji’s.

Most of your original post is just plain bad. There’s not much to say here, other than that you basically failed to understand that Genji focuses on burst-ing targets down, and falsely analyzed that his kit was bad for reasons that don’t make any logical sense.

Genji being awful against specific characters (and wrongly attributing this to Brigitte), is intentional design. Genji has to have weaknesses.

i remember you, i think

werent the guy who kept responding to everything saying on an old post i made saying that “i failed to understand”

while failing to understand basic game mechanics like orisas fortify reducing damage by 40%?

but regardless ill take the bait and respond

the idea is to, change what he does, if you havent realized, because as we have known for a while, if you want burst, you can play widow

and dont come tell me that im wrong because genji was quiiickly swapped out during even the original dive meta for widow, since she is superior in bursting and is able to do it from much safer range,

dont like widow? doomfist can one shot them straight up,

dont like doomfist? one clip them with tracer

dont like tracer? echo beam them to death

https ://dotesports.com/overwatch/news/overwatch-designers-answer-questions-15461


He will get nerfed soon, simply because the pros are not happy with him now. Rest assured, sometime in the next 1-2 months.

This explains some of your posts, maybe just a kid/tennager…the devs have a hard work to keep everyone happy…

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I actually really like this idea, makes him utility based!

I WOULD TOTALLY play him and even main him if he was centered around deflect and mobility. I love it.

Bugging his mobility would be awful for the game

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yeah sadly one of the issues with genji, which isnt only his, in fact many other heroes have this issue where they are simply not good when compared to others, and if you play them, its because you want to and not because they are necesarily a good option.

and genji falls in that line,

the only way to make him a “good option” would be to absolutely make him broken overpowered to comepete with the other flankers…which is something we dont want

Magy, I main Sombra and Sym. I know all about “not being a good option”

Trust me, Genji is nowhere near as bad…

i just want his spread reverted because at this point even i can hit 2 headshots easily ._. and you can only imagine how much more deadly it would be in hands of a genji main