8/19 - Connection to server lost / Unable to connect

Blizzard is that you??? LMAO


why is no support of blizzard replying? are they really helping us?

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Meanwhile at Blizzard Headquarters
Overwatch Game Devs- " Sips Tea"


All I wanted to do was play some overwatch fml.


I was excited to play some Moira in comp after being burnt out for a year then this happens :frowning:


Yeahh, this has been happening for a couple of weeks now. People randomly get dc’d on both sides of the team and those of us that are lucky enough not to get disconnected end up playing a 3v3 comp match. It usually starts with the ping going to like 400-800ish instead of the usual 50 and at that point you already know someone’s going to get dc’d or the server will close due to an unexpected error. It’s become so frequent that people on match chat go “gg” because we know the server’s going to close. I’ve had like 8-9 games in the past 3 days where we end up without a healer or a tank especially with the 2-2-2 lock implementation.

Mmm, tbh I’ve noted an increase of others disconnecting in game also.
Normally its like 1 - 3 players a match, sometimes a few cycle out. Now I cant tell if 'Im just lucky to have been unaffected until tonight, or if its getting worse lol

But, this one might be different as it doesn’t seem to be unexpected errors, or lag before disconnect from games.
I noticed initial DCs in game, then I tested doing nothing, and it still happens within less than a minute - this feels different that its just randomly booting people even from menu, or just opening loot boxes, never been DCed so many times while doing idle menu stuff / not in game with these “conneciton lost” errors, could be something else is up?

But I do 100% get what you mean by the increase of player disconnects in the past few week to months


Yup same here can’t connect


I would also recommend waiting at least 10 seconds between turning your modem off and on

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it is a worldwide issue, so to have all these people to all have the same problem with their routers at the same is a very small chance


it seems to be an issue with Americas region, I can connect to Asia fine and it throws me into qp or the training map.

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Too funny :rofl:… but also too real :sob:


it seems to be only one of the server stack on the Americans server, as i have mates who are playing comp and QP , while i cant even get pasted the login screen


Hey all,

Thanks for the reports, we are looking into this now. Please feel free to post a traceroute ran to to help us gather info. When posting the traceroute please select the entire post and hit the Preformatted text button (looks like </>) which should allow links.

We will post updates as they’re available.


Update: New Blizzard post requesting new traceroutes


It’s been several mouth i have problem to connect to Overwatch, when i lauch the game, i face to “Connexion lost”. I do enter my login/password, and this work sometimes …


Same here, I’m on LAN not wifi (and ethernet shows hours of uptime in the duration with traffic flowing fine everytime I get dropped in Overwatch).
My internet is fine - Spotify keeps streaming okay, the battle net app stays online, all other web services are fine except Overwatch keeps showing “connection lost” within a few minutes from login. Sometimes I’ll be opening a lootbox and it’ll DC me, other times just queued for a match - too scared to even join a game atm cos I cant stay connected for more than 30 seconds.
Noticed a few other reports from other users across forums and twitter today but BlizzCS seem sure everything alright, not really sure whats going on but hopefully it sorts itself out soon.

Yes, getting this now as well. Keeps kicking me out of games with Connection Lost. Twice so far this morning inside 5 minutes of each other.

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same, happened to me as of 5minutes ago; twice, one comp and another qp


Sorry to hear that, man. In the time it took me between these posts I lost connection 3 more times. Something is definitely up.


Yeah, prolly not going to bother queuing atm, I just tested logging in and literally doing nothing while monitoring all other internet stuff and Overwatch disconnected me from the main menu within minutes of getting in (connection lost) while everything else was alright, also noticed an increase in reports in the forums now too so hopefully a fix will get prioritized :slight_smile:

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