70 games now. I might finally uninstall, that is how foolish people are

Okay. I can make an attempt at that actually.
I will keep posted for ya.

Okay, so everybody should flood into the EU servers? Or maybe we can fix the system to work properly, or at least a bit better.

Except it barely ever is.

No no no, you are talking about something different. I am talking about organised groups versus randoms. Generally speaking, a group of four people who have synergy because they play together all the time WILL have an advantage over the randoms.
And also, I already knew about the problem with grouping up. But it is funny, because I said the same thing you just did…but dozens of people trolled me off the forums so hard the thread got closed…yet people know that grouping up is not all that great unless you do it 24/7. An open topic, but people trolled me into oblivion just because they had to be right, even though they were wrong.

My dude, as I just said earlier. You have Google. You have access to all the Blue Posts on here. You have access to all the videos from Daddy Jeff, talking about these issues.
When you pay attention to the community as a whole, you find these things out more often. I am not your mother, do your own research and come to your own conclusions.

I dont understand it either, but it is part of being human. Some psychological stuff that most of humanity does. We crave a challenge. It has been proven time and again, that if games are too easy, people stop playing. People crave the challenge. So if everybody won as much as their skill indicated, they would either lose every match, or win more often…either way, they would get bored and leave faster. Again, go do some research about the human “reward system” that we have built in to our genetics.

You started off correct, and then turned south. Yes, people are going to be better and worse. Obviously. But you are not always placed with or against people of anything near your skill level. I mean…I can carry some matches often enough, but when people are actively not doing anything to win?

I like your spirit.
Not many people do that, admit that they can make mistakes too.
I mess up all the time. But the difference is that I do everything I can to learn from my mistakes, just like some people do.
But as always, not everybody involved is putting the same level of effort into the main goal, which is winning through teamwork and communication.

Why I see this every time lol from people who claim similar things, I do read posts and basicly anything from blizzard stuff and yet I didnt see this anywhere. I cant find it when it doesnt exist.

Again, you are competing with milions of others, you dont need system which will keep you somehwere, people are doing it, better people than you. I am not kept in my elo by system, I am kept there by people who are better than me. If I have 50% winrate, its because I am where I belong, its not because system wants that.

You are only constant, sure you will have games where people suck, but you said it yourself, some games enemy team suck and you can win by doing nothing. So its even. You are not always placed with or against people of anything near your skill level, true. But the matchmaker is trying to make sure that both teams have same average SR. And majority of games is winnable.

Yesterday I was playing on my alt, and I lost 3 games in row with trash team mates. But I did play well. What happened? -17, -14, -15 SR. See? Competitive system will actualy try to help you if you play very well but your team mates are making you lose.

Honestly when I think about it, I did mistakes too, so I could play better and you know what? by doing that I could win even these games. As I said, only very small fracture of games is truly unwinnable.


It’s the responsibility of the person making the claim to provide references / proof, too. Not your job.

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It’s a team game. you may be good, but if other 5 suck you lose…

And If you suck, other 5 might lose. It depends how you look at it :smiley:

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A few possibilities:

  1. Maybe you got higher than you belonged and this is the correction?
  2. During Christmas break, a different pool of players are no (younger people with possibly better mechanics/reflexes)
  3. People are burnt out at end of season and not trying, not enabling your play style (e.g. if you climbed by playing meta tanks and the other tank is less inclined to play meta at end of season)

He’s repeatedly admitted that his brother boosted him, and he thinks he’s only supposed to heal as a support.

I win most matches when Playing as Tank or DPS. Even if I play horribly and do NOTHING as Tank or DPS I still get 50/50 wins or get carried. When I play my main which is the Support Role in which I am a very damn good support I lost most matches.

As Support I dropped from Mid Plat all the way down to Gold 2000. Every match we lost felt unwinnable. I have had MVP card as support with 67% of the match I was onfire and 30,000 heals but we still lost. I have played with Zen to help win when healing alone is not enough.

I end up getting three golds with Zen (Gold Elims, Gold Damage, Gold Heals, and Silver Objective Time) even if we have a Junk, Soldier, or Bastion on our team. Nobody on our team can kill Pharrah and I have to kill her myself. At the end of the match I not only have 3 or 4 golds but I also have 67% kill participation with Zen and we lost again.

I have tried various support roles with Gold Heals and 20,000+ healing and/or 80 Defensive or Offensive assists but we lose again.

I found out that since I was so good with Support the Matchmaker was actually putting Top 500 (Top 50 in some cases) as Tank or DPS on the enemy team to “make the match fair” with me being so good as support. That is not fair! I can heal 30,000+ Gold heals and have 100+ assists as Support but if my DPS and Tanks can’t play their role correctly then we will lose. Or maybe we just lose because there are Top 500 or even Top 50 players on the enemy team while my team are all the worst players in the ELO!!!

How do I know the enemy team had Top 50 players? They said in ALL chat that they are winning and stomping us because they are Top 50 in their ALT account but are playing in Gold and Plat to have fun destroying lower ranked players. They group up usually in groups of Top 500 players to go on a rampage of wins for kicks.

Why does the matchmaker do this to me in nearly all my matches?

I used to have 30 more wins than losses and now I have 30 more losses than wins by going on a 60 loss streak as Support even though I had at least 20,000 gold heals as main support or played Zen / Moira and easily got Gold Elims and Damage even when we had a Junk, Soldier or Bastion on our team.

That tells you that these DPS on our team are the worst. Don’t get me started on our tanks. They run in alone without grouping up and giving enemy ULT charge so that in every fight the enemy always seems to have at least two ULTs while our team does not have any ULT and our DPS does not know how to shoot a huge shield down while the enemy is killing out tanks and their shields.

One sided loss after another no matter how good you play as Support.

I win matches easily as Tank and DPS even though I suck as Tank and DPS. It seems that when I que for Tank or DPS I get fair matches and I get a very good team. However, when I QUE for Support its very hard if not impossible to win anything no matter how good I played in the Support role.


Oh I didn’t read all the replies.

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This is the biggest issue with Competitive right now. Bigger even than the smurf plague currently infesting the game.

It really does baffle me as to why Blizzard would create a Competitive mode in which they would group 6 randoms together and expect them to work as a team but then not enforce the critical component of teamwork that is communication.

I’ve been saying for a long while now that Blizzard need to make team chat compulsory for Competitive with no option to leave.

There’s a mute option available to silence the toxic players (because, let’s face it, they wouldn’t have anything constructive to say anyway), but don’t do those players on your team who actually do want to try and win a disservice by leaving team chat or not joining it in the first place.

And don’t do things in chat like play music through your mic, shout at someone else in your room, ramble on about things not relevant to the match you’re playing, etc etc. Keep your comms short, simple, and relevant.

If it’s good enough for the pros in Overwatch League to be required to communicate as part of a team, then it’s good enough for the rest of us.


Lol, clear evidence right there.

You know what?

Actually, if “The game forces me to lose to keep it’s 50/50 win/loss thing!” is what enables you to justify things to yourself so you can enjoy playing… fair enough. Works for you, so it’d be a bit meh to criticize you for it, no matter how wrong it might be.

It’s a bit like religion in that regard I suppose. It clearly superstition, but it gets you moving forward and as long as it doesn’t negatively affect anyone around you, do it. Explaining your loss streaks with “game is forcing it” works for you, so more power to you I suppose!

Its not really issue of competitive tho. I play in US and EU and people on us server comunicate just fine. Its only problem in some regions and maybe on console too. But i dont think anything csn be done about that, language barriers wont magicaly go away.

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Not sure what you mean, but that dude does nothing but troll every forum post they step into.
If you read what ACTUALLY happened in the posts above, you will see just the kind of bs this guy does all the time.

It is an issiue of competitive tho…And it does not matter what server you are on, there are tons of people who refuse to communicate. And from my experience, as well as millions of other people, the language barrier is at the bottom of the list of problems.
You don’t have to speak the same language to understand “KILL REIN”…
I promise you, the biggest problem is a flat out refusal to work together with communication. You would know they don’t speak the same language because they are not even IN the voice chat…

Superstition is the opposite. There is some pretty clear “evidence”, though how accurate it is is up for debate…

But here is an interesting thread. One worded a bit better.
Hypothetical Win Rates

This is what I am talking about. A 50% chance and a 50% winrate, for all intents and purposes, is the same thing.
I honestly think that it is just a byproduct of the system.
You guys keep misinterpreting it as something that Blizzard is doing intentionally.
I do not believe that. To believe that would be the same thing as Anakin and Obi-Wan…Blizzard was supposed to bring balance to the win-rate, not break it…

All jokes aside, there is a problem with the way the match maker works, and it needs to be discussed. As was stated in that thread link above, just coming in here and screeching “REEEE ITS NOT REAL, REEEEEE” is about as productive as trying to slap duct tape on the breech of The Titanic…You gotta come at this with that Flex Tape, not duct tape…

Discussions must be open for change to happen, and when all you do is just proclaim “it doesnt exist because it doesnt exist”…it gets us nowhere.
There is a serioius issue with the system.
Why can other games openly address their ranking system, and the community is okay with it…but for some reason, the people here on Overwatch think that everything is absolutely perfect?

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But can you really blame them when so many people is toxic abd trashtalking others, mostly dps players. And there is sexism too.

Because historically this has happened for tens of years, but wasn’t true in all except a tiny handful of cases, and those made more sense.

See, to explain why an ELO/glicko-like system would consistently match you against enemies stronger than you (or with allies weaker than you) would be if it brought your MMR way too high, but despite consistent losses resulting from this it never broadened the confidence window.

That’s… just not going to happen. I mean it’s not entirely unthinkable, but given how rare reports are it’d have to be something crazy weird like a database write failing in some weird way so your numbers get persisted wrong. Or anything equally crazy.

As far as the underlying matchmaker algorithm goes, the specific combination is just… not really a thing. Flip-flopping is. And that’s a problem with matchmaking based on glicko-derivatives, sure. But not jumping out from the middle and then being stuck there.

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And you are officially off topic. Don’t make bull excuses for other people refusing to work together.
I have people calling me homosexual slurs, racial slurs, and everything you can imagine…but you know what Ido? I don’t care. F what they say to me, I am trying to communicate with my team and help get a win for us. I don’t let some random idiot on the internet stop me from trying my best…

If you or anybody else leaves a voice com just because somebody said some slightly mean words to you? That’s on you for being so weak minded.

Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB
Grow up and move on. People say mean things all the time. And to make it even easier? These are strangers! What they say about you means literally nothing.
You (or the people you refer to) should not be on the internet if your skin is that thin.

On the poor coding side of things; some kind of asymptotic lock-in, over-convergeance, over-fitting, a dev flagging your account =1 somewhere because they don’t like you or you speak out too much, etc…

There are all kinds of things that could glitch your mmr way too high and have it persist. Imagine having it bugged at 3000mmr always, as a 1500 player, you’d see almost nothing but losses.

I had many things like this too, horrific stuff really and i mute them if i want, i never leave voice chat. I just said that i understand why others are not joining as not everyone is ok when people wish cancer to his family or make sexist jokes every third game, you will have enough at one point.

Lol wut? Could that actually happen? That would be crazy. I see that being pretty rare. BUT it is an interesting topic to discuss. Thank you for bringing it up. The more we talk, even theoretical stuff, the more we can learn and maybe be able to figure out what is going on.

Well, that is on those people for letting things like that affect them to the point where they are willing to risk throwing a match just over some words of a stranger. Willing to ruin the experience of at least 5 other people, just because they are too sensitive? No, go play Club Penguin or something.
Or, move on and keep trying.
When you refuse to communicate with your team because of toxic people, you let the toxic people win… you literally feed the trolls when you do that. In its own way, you are just as bad as the trolls at that point, because the effect is just as negative.