What was your last OW1 game like?

My last day was pretty heavy on the losses. On what I planned to be my last game game of QP was a loss to a pirate ship comp on Blizzard world. I couldn’t end like that. So, I played a few more games. I ended with a win on Oasis.


I haven’t played my last OW1 game yet, but it’ll probably be against Orisa-Hog or Hog-Sigma and Soldier-Mercy on Anubis


boring weekend steamroll

can’t wait for ow2 to launch


I played my last game a few weeks ago with friends, playing duo tanks. Was pretty fun!


Yes, a lot of my games were lopsided. The most fun I had was actually a loss, but it was well fought.

I am looking forward to the gameplay changes, but I’m not looking forward to the monetization changes.

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I spent my last time in this game making codes for all the custom games I wanted to save, as well as copying the script


Cancerous. Just as it should have been.


It was just a few minutes ago. Temple of Anubis, Ball/Hog for offense and Sig/Hog for defense, both teams had Junkrat, one team had Echo the other team had Hanzo, both teams had Ana, one team had Zen and the other had Mercy. First point offense rolled, defense held 2nd point for about 6 minutes, classic 2CP.

The match prior was a total mismatch, one team had double shield & ranged DPS, the other had Hog/Zar and Tracer/Sombra, not even close.

Good riddance


It was glorious.

Who won, who lost, it was irrelevant.
Blue and reds, face to face, just saying “Hello” or emoting “Take two piece of cake”.
Then we helped some folks to get achievements like Doomfist’s air strike.

It went for about 20 minutes and then, it was time to say farewell.
It was decided to give a proper send off to Overwatch. And there was no proper way than D.Va’s ultimate achievement.

Game over.


Probably still haven’t had my actual last yet and I don’t expect to remember it either way. But the last month or so in general has been extremely sucky in quality due to all the stacks that seem to have come out in full force. Arcade in particular has been a total nightmare.

I’m also just plain bored and sick of OW1 Tanks and maps. For all the problems going into OW2, I’m still not sad to see the end of OW1.

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It was Blizzard world. I played Rien. Played against the enemy Rein. Can’t remember if I won or lost, but I remember we both complemented each other at the end of the match. Good times. Haven’t played since.


I haven’t played in a year. So it was just a normal match with nothing special about it

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This is the way


Haven’t played my last game yet, but the past few weeks have been littered with Doomfist, Balls, Junkrats,and Hogs in every match. I expect tonight to be the same.

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I can’t say for certain, but it feels harder than usual. But I can’t tell whether I’m just in a losing phase or not. Since winning/losing comes in phases that varies depending on the time of the day I play ranked.

For some strange reason, when I play ranked during the day (10AM - 5PM), I tend to get really hard games because of unreliable teammates and end up with many losses. But whenever I play ranked later in the evening, I tend to get matched with more coordinates teammates and a lot of the games end up becoming an easy win.

For my experience, I’ve found that (6AM - 10AM) and (8PM - 12PM) gives me the most fair matches with coordinated teammates. Maybe this coincides with less teens playing the game during those hours. Perhaps teens are less reliable players than adults :stuck_out_tongue:


Shot experience glad its over. :roll_eyes:

About the same, but much less conversation in chat. I think some are actually unaware still what’s about to happen… Swear to god I won’t miss having to deal with a second tank either as tank or a DPS / Support …



There’s my last comp game. Ended at 3103. I’m satisfied and am not playing any more comp til OW2.

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I lost on 2CP.

Thankfully that awful mode is getting deleted.


It was amazing. Long story short, it was a super symbolic way to close out my history with this game.

I got some redemption with Orisa. I had a very toxic experience where I was blamed for a loss, it hurt because they were correct. Usually the bozos are talking out of their booty, but this time it was on me. I did not know how to play Orisa but we needed a barrier and I tried to help. The incident is the reason I never swap. I would rather do well as my one trick and get blamed because I refuse to swap than to swap and be blamed because I potentially caused a loss.

Today, we did it. I joined a game late, went Dva to dive with our Ball… We got crushed. There was only time for one fight. We got to inner sanctum, 1-1 on the board. I swap to her. The beast. Orisa.

I am scared, I have not flexed for years, but this was my last chance to play her before they completely reworked Orisa. It went amazing, the Ball and I had some very strange synergy. And it happened. I got the Halt achievement that has alluded me for years by pulling them into Hammond’s mines. I got multiple shotcaller endorsements.

It was so happy, my final game of Overwatch covered so many different angles. I redeemed myself, I had an amazing goodbye to one of my favorite tanks, and tank synergy, something that will be leaving, was on full display between an unlikely pair.

That was the only game I played. I want to preserve this memory for years to come. And also, I am so American that I ended on 1776 hours played. What a storybook ending.