68.6% OWL players on USA teams are korean

I’m taking it seriously, sir. :angry:


That is an issue along with what I said. Its hard for people to relate to them or even care at all about these teams

There are some people who do care but its not many and thats why the league is failing

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It’s the same with every other mx infested low quality game to be honest. Especially those with “anime” style. They lack any real audience in the west. Popular, absolutely, but lacking.

Look at CSGO and Dota and you’ll see its completely different. Those are the largest games as well.

You must be new to sports, this is common worldwide in pretty much any international sport, online or otherwise.
The nationality of the players in PSG isn’t important to the people of Paris, just that the team representing their city does well.

Besides, are you saying eugenics should be part of the trial process?

Sports teams actually hold large events in cities that a lot of locals go to. Nfl games are big local events for cities. Cant really say that for owl

Teams like SF shock do or did that in pubs and have done community events. Most of the stuff you’re talking about got halted due to covid and didn’t really come back because the league died in the pandemic. That’s not really something you can blame the league for, they’re never going to have the reach of the NFL.

None of that has anything to do with the fact that most of them are Korean anyway, it wouldn’t have changed if they were all a bunch of Americans/Canadians.

That would have made them more relatable to Americans and Canadians.

The fact that its all remote video game playing by people from Korea makes it hard to rally around a supposed team from Atlanta. This really does matter to a lot of people. Some like you dont care, but a lot of people do


Relatable how?

Again, you’re annoyed at the pandemic, not OWL.
Look at the league in 2019 or before, there’s big events, communities and living in their home cities etc, that you’re talking about.

There is essentially nothing at all connecting these teams to the cities now. Its not like pro sports that hold big real world events in local areas

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The game isn’t as popular as real sports so they need to do a better job of selling it to us. And they could by having players we can more easily relate to. It’s more like sports entertainment like WWE to me. They need better personalities and do a better job of marketing and also the game itself has too many issues. It was more interesting when they had guys like xQc even if they weren’t exactly the best of the best.

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Covid was a factor and so is the fact that its dominated by Koreans. It really does matter to a lot of people, even if you are not one of them

People relate to others who are similar to them self. A lot of owl players dont even speak much English, its harder to relate to that

I get that you dont see this as in issue but a lot of people do. You are in a thread with people telling you that they do care about the fact that they are mostly Korean and have really nothing to do with the city at all.

There isnt really anything connecting the teams to the city anymore. Covid was a factor and so is the fact that they are from another country and hardly speak English

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You must be new to sports, this is common worldwide in pretty much any international sport, online or otherwise.
The teams representing a city will always go for the best players so they can win for club and city and the fans will always want the best players for their teams for the same reason. You know how I know it’s not just me? Because a lot of European football fans are quite racist but they’re still happy when their team gets a Neymar.
Same for other leagues and sports. Demanding that talent be from their own city isn’t a realistic request, how many top tier talents is Vancouver, a city with less than 700,000 going to produce?

Covid has been the only factor in everything you’ve talked about other than the fact that you don’t like foreign players. a) It’s possible to relate to people in other countries, there’s a big world out there. b) These players aren’t going to be your friends, you’re never going to meet them. So not speaking English when you can just use subtitles if you want to know them like that doesn’t apply. It doesn’t stop the largest international sports stars from having fanbases.

Are you watching to see great plays for your city? Because that’s what the highest level of Overwatch is going to be. If the league made Eugenics part of roster decisions then the they’d die even faster because they’re lowering the quality with forced representation.

I have talked about sports several times in this thread. Nfl teams hold large events in cities that lots of locals go to. Those games are a big deal for cities at the local level

Owl is a bunch of korens playing a game online, it really has nothing at all to do with Atlanta

Again, you’re annoyed at the pandemic, not OWL.

It’s an e-sport, so yeah…

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Koreans wouldnt like it if a bunch of Americans supposedly represented their cities either while playing remote online games.

The koreas and japan are the least racially diverse countries in the world(with large populations) with laws and polices that are straight up racist to foreigners.

They would be saying the same things that i am if it happened to them.

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You just cant accept that a lot of people really dont like the fact that their cities are supposedly represented by a bunch of Koreans.

You may not care but a lot of people really do feel this way. Koreans wouldnt like it if the roles were reversed and Americans tried to represent them either

The league has nothing to do with these cities and yes covid was a factor. So is this

Yeah it was a bad idea too that few people care about

Well yeah, they want the best of the best. It’s too bad businesses/companies can’t do this. Gotta be diverse and all!

“A lot of people” is missing a big citation there, because right now it’s just you. I’ve given real world examples where it clearly doesn’t matter to fans from the cities because they have the best players and your response is basically “well I don’t like foreigners >:(”
I think NFL has given you a skewed perception and maybe this is your first introduction to international sports, but most people aren’t bothered by foreign talent.

Except mixed rosters are a normal thing in the league. Seoul Inferno has had many white/Latinos and Koreans playing together. Korea and China* (which I’m guessing is what you actually meant) are the two biggest Asian overwatch countries and play together on mixed rosters like the Hangzhou Spark. Shanghai, one of the most important cities in China, has had a full Korean main roster for a while. Their fans don’t care because they usually do great, they like to see their city winning OWL.
No offense but it doesn’t seem like you actually watch any of the league you’re complaining about.

If you don’t like esports why are you talking about this?