And... we only get a DPS hero in OW2 Beta

Yep. OW2 beta only gets a DPS.

Inb4 people say “Don’t worry, they’ll release more supports/tanks later!”

They’ve been saying that for literal years, and we’re still here.


Considering majority of players left are DPS, yea, not surprise.

Maybe that’s why they’re scrapping tanks into bruisers/fat dps.


I mean Tankfist and reworked Orisa is better than nothing. Still more tanks would be nice though.


With the 5v5 format supports are still getting changes so they should feel new, I’m honestly quite surprised Mercy didn’t get more changes since her rez is gonna be much more valuable

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We’d have more tank/support players if they released more tank/support heroes.

DPS will always be the most popular, but every hero brings a certain number of players to the role. Having more DPS than tanks/supports combined makes disparities and queue times a much, much worse problem.


Nah man, at this point, Blizz is prob just going to redesign everyone into dps of some sort. Which makes sense really, better to make other classes far more appealing to DPS than catering to the dwindling player-base that prob won’t really increase/hates each changes.

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Keller says “and new HeroeS”. :man_shrugging:


They’re most likely playing it safe and don’t want to poison the well by putting a prototype supp/tank out there until they begin getting feedback.

I haven’t been this excited in awhile, OW2 beta pog


But that is for the last months of the year

In what world is adding new game modes, redesigning all the maps, and totally changing the entire format of the game to accommodate a different number of people “Playing it safe”?

This makes no sense. If they’re going to upheave the game, might as well just upheave it once instead of doing it twice with new heroes later on.

It’s more likely they don’t have new tank/support heroes ready, or else they’re going to spread out releases because they haven’t delayed the content enough already.


He also said there would be multiple beta phases. Safe to assume new heroes will come in a future phase(s).


Technically we have the correct Ratio of Tank and DPS and the only role we technically need more of is Support (11 of them to be precise) given that, not counting Sojourn, we will have 9 Tanks, 16 DPS, and 7 Supports which means to reach the perfect ratio we would need 2 DPS and 11 Supports.


I simply don’t think they know what to do with them yet, that writing has been on the wall since they announced 5v5.


This argument is honestly one of the most annoying things ever.

Does having 1 less tank MAGICALLY make it so there’s more diversity in the roster? Does only having half the heroes of another role somehow become a better playing experience?

Or is the logic here, “Well, now that we need less tank players, we can just shaft them on hero releases!”

The reason you have hero diversity is so that people can have multiple options. It creates for a better playing experience. Using 5v5 as an excuse to say, “Well, it’s okay if the tank experience sucks” is a cheap shot.

Tank players didn’t even want 5v5, generally speaking, and now saying, “so we can also ignore giving them new content” is salt in the wound.


At least you guys have beta access I’m on console.


Seems like it is only getting the content that has been shown so far.

I am not excepting new heroes anytime soon. I even said the game will launch with 3 heroes at the most.

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And a tank with doom

ew. the dps can keep him for themslves.

And lest we forget, this hasn’t actually been confirmed.

Oh, and if we’re going rework route, guess which role got 3/4 of the reworks? Even if you’re like, “Sure, doom tank means tanks get a new one,” we are TOTALLY shafting supports, who don’t get a new hero or ANY reworks.