Are content creators more important than players?

Thing is, unlike most content creators in other games that merely get a look behind the curtain, Overwatch’s seem to think that it’s a good idea to “brag” about what they’ve seen behind the curtain?

Take Valorant for example, a certain content creator got footage of upcoming cinematics and/or teasers, and rather than just saying that they got a look at it to their fanbase, they did the–somewhat clever–thing of putting a fuzzy screenshot of a moment of the cinematic at the very end of their video.

Sure, Overwatch doesn’t do much in the cinematic department, but the idea of being discrete about what you’ve seen is better received than just saying that you got exclusive access, in my opinion.


Could it have really hurt them to give us a little 30 second teaser?

It’s worse than the parallels between elites and plebs. Both get money, but one gets way more than the other for their ‘needs’. We don’t even get less information, just nothing, zip, zilch, nada.


Listen, I hear what you’re saying, but let’s put a pin in this and circle back offline. We really need to be thinking outside of the box here, and working to drive synergy across all verticals.

Excuse me now…I need a shower.


Solutions need to be soup-to-nuts while we need to strike while the iron is hot with synergy in a state of the art table stakes, taking strides to take to the next level and task a thought leader to touch base and get traction to unpack and utilize the valued partner of a white paper in a win-win world class zero-sum game.

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I mean, this is kind of the nail in the coffin for me.

You guys made OW1 waste away because you’re working on OW2 and now despite giving us a horrible product like OW1 to hang in limbo for years you’re sharing basically nothing with the community that’s chosen to stick around your dead game.

Ridiculous, I’m actually done now.



Content creator behavior is a separate issue. OW CCs are jackasses. We all know this.

But we don’t know whose idea it was for them to all tweet about it. Could have been Blizz’s given that they seemed strategically coordinated, but who knows?


I really appreciate all you are doing Andy.

Even though the lack of information about OW2 and lack of content from current game is very depressing, your doing great job chatting to us! Thank you.


:pensive: not to derail the thread but I’m still a bit sour from yesterday.

I get what you were trying to do but you had information on the event that you could have provided the general community with ahead of time… but instead you took it upon yourself to make the decision to deal with the fallout after the fact. We already get so little info, making the conscious decision to leave us in the dark and just take the community angst on the chin… really feels like you’re a bit more disconnected than what I initially believed.


Hmm, I wouldn’t say “all of them,” but some are a bit… boisterous, for the likes of me. Frankly, I think some sort of disconnect is happening within the marketing department? This company has always been “retro” when it comes to modern-day, so perhaps whoever’s in the marketing department is stuck in the past in terms of how they handle community affairs?

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I appreciate the communication as I for one can read between the lines and it’s pretty clear there’s quite the few announcements to be made soon enough.
We’ve had patience to make it this far, let’s keep riding it out. I’m sure the devs are just as wanting to give info as we want to receive it. All in good time.

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“Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes”

To make a distinction. When I claim we are nobodies, I mean as individuals we dont really have a broad impact of other peoples’ opinions.

If you come to the forums and told us all a secret about OW2, we as individuals aren’t really the ones spreading that news. That news instantly gets picked up by people with much greater reach and influence who use youtube channels or articles that reach the broader demographic.

I’m not suggesting that our feedback isn’t important to you. It’s just very clear that your relationship with content creators is, as you say, a more professional investment that holds a different kind of value. As someone who works at a software company that has many third party partners/investors, I understand that relationship, and how sharing information that would otherwise be behind an NDA with them has much more impact than if my company revealed secret information to some random people on the internet.

Just to clarify one thing: decisions like that aren’t made solely by me, without taking in feedback and listening to the concerns of my team, peers, and manager.

I’m not always going to make the right choice, and when I screw up I’ll accept accountability with the community. Also keep in mind that what is “right” to do can be completely subjective, based on where you’re looking at it from. It just so happens that Jodie and I’s viewpoint has to incorporate both the needs of the community, and the OW team.


Ok, im sorry Andy but you do realize its exactly this what annoys people? You guys go on on 1 on 1 chats with the CCs and meanwhile we told the devs twice about the mid air roll being bad ans it still went live.

Here is where the problem lies, we may be as important in the eyes of the devs as the CCs but little has been done to show so.


Content creators are not synonymous with the community. I wouldn’t even know who they are if I didn’t read the forums. Games got millions of players, hardly anybody cares about some YouTube skin-suit making their fiftieth overblown reaction clickbait video. They don’t matter. Make absolutely no mistake, they do not represent me or people like me, of which I guarantee you there are a significant number.

Treating the people who care about overwatch and want it to succeed as second class citizens for the sake of some yokel talking into a camera for the internet is beyond belief. Edges into satire with the absurdity displayed. These people would make the same videos and tweets with or without your massaging their egos. Trying to astroturf people into caring about some screaming overreacting YouTube Man. I’m speechless.


barely but for the record, a tweet is NOT communication, you got a freaking whole forum in here or reddit or even youtube, you have the means to make official announcements and all we get is a half written tweet but alas this is the level of commitment you’ve been showing lately so no surprises once again


Then post-yesterday.

Do you believe that sheltering us from potential bad news and dealing with the fallout afterwards is still the right decision going forward?

I personally prefer to have that information ahead of time to cushion the blow and be reassured things are looking up but I understand that’s subjective.

It’s good to know there’s multiple people that need to agree on things but it still makes the final decision a bit of a head scratcher to me. But I understand, it’s subjective in that sense as well.


Ya, I’m not thrilled by the idea that new info could be hidden behind having to watch a 10-minute-long video of someone talking about random filler nonsense till they finally get to the actual 30 seconds of relevant info that blizzard could have just posted on twitter to read.


Im gonna leave this topic because Im just getting more frustrated
Peace out yall