Destination: Malevento

Destination: Malevento

Learn more about the latest Overwatch Deathmatch map from one of its designers.

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canā€™t wait to never play this map :grinning:


Iā€™m pretty sure it will get played a lotā€¦while waiting for queues in Comp.


Ayyy Iā€™ve been waiting forever for this

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Nice to finally see it released. I figured there wouldnt be a skin challenge given how close it releases to the halloween event (which itself will have 3) and there is usually a full week gap between events of any sorts. I guess there is the fact the mccree event got delayed but also that they really are trying to put all of their eggs in the overwatch 2 basket rn.

as an Italian user, I love the map both as a geographical reference and as a tactics of the variety of environments. I admit that I would have liked a challenge on it more, but it still seems a good quality to me.

as for the ā€œTalon things teasersā€ ā€¦ somewhat disagree on this mystery. or rather, I would have preferred some greater detail rather than spreading other misteries, right?


While different portions of the map favor certain heroes, the overall aim, says Thomas, ā€œwas to try and create a rock-paper-scissors balance with the flying, hitscan, and flanking heroes.ā€ This forces players to consider if the risks outweigh the potential rewards: Is utilizing a flanking route near a sheer drop worth a potential Concussive Blast thatā€™ll send you spiralling to your death? Should you take flight in an area that provides good line-of-sight to shoot down your enemies, but also gives them the ability to shoot straight back?

Gotta say, this was done amazingly well back when I played it on PTR.


The new maps playable now? Dayum.

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I really hoped it was Reaperā€˜s safehouse.
Since they already teased there will be more Reaper lore in the future.
It would have been fitting so perfectly, since Reaper killed Antonio (from Italy)
Since Reyes looked into the case, when he was still active for Blackwatch, he eventually learned about the safehouse and took it later over.

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A new queue map. Yay.

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Whoā€™s ready to play this map once and then forget it exists :joy:


Finally! I always like more deathmatch variety, makes queue times a lot easier


The map is cool, the mode is not.

Thank god there wasnā€™t a competitive q this time otherwise i woudl have to force myself to finish placements at least.


I tried, I like it, really beautiful map, love the environment, the background, even the music of this map is good, the building are also gorgeous, especially the church, so much details, also won my first map at my first try, got a lot of fun. You did a great job, Overwatch team, keep going. And I hope one day weā€™ll see a free for all map located at either Montreal or Quebec City, these 2 map in Canada have what it takes to be a free for all map. And beside, Montreal is the second largest and second most populated city in Canada, so I feel like Montreal should be a Payload Map or a Free for all Map.

But yeah, I love Malevento. Good job Overwatch Team.


Or actually making a talon underground base with a giant window to the cliffside. Idk, if this is it, itā€™s overwhelmingly disappointing and boring. Is this the map quality we have to expect for OW2? Because if thatā€™s the case, itā€™s incredibly lazy and lacking of creativity. By far one of the worst maps lore-wise, that ā€œtalon baseā€ doesnā€™t tell anything. You could switch it for emptiness and it would tell the same lore.
Whatā€™s the lore in this again? A car blueprint and a computer with no info at all?
Disappointing and lazy development. After 1 MONTH OF PTR nonetheless.


rather disagree actually. the technical level that allows you to act in different compaction styles is incredibly broad.

it is assumed that something has gone wrong with the general publication of this map. not so much on the creative level but on the narrative level (above all the ā€œcoincidenceā€ of so much mystery following the lawsuit on McCreeā€™s name and the delays due to the conversion of the name). :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Itā€™s a map thatā€™s really designed with FFA in mind, the amount of areas you can flank around, combined with verticality and holes that you can slip around gives a real fun area. The map is also not that large and you can find a fight very easily (As compared to Petra.).

Overall, it feels like one of the better FFA maps so far. Kanezaka was fun but Malevento takes it to a whole level.


You expected to much for Blizzard to make somewhat engaging lore nah we just got characters with little to no depth because that is what everyone loves.


what do you mean?? italians donā€™t exist :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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FFA >>> Regular Mode