6 stack vs 4 solo + 1 duo

Under no circumstances should a 6 stack be matched up against 4 solo players and 1 duo. Make them wait longer in queue. Get them out of my game.

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i don’t see the difference since everyone can use voice chat

High ranked player, playing early morning hours, upset he’s facing a 6 stack that was likely already in cue for a very long time. Nothing new here

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This might be an interesting read for you:

1 of the solo players is bound to be some jerk diving in as doomfist and getting destroyed right away. After about 5 minutes of this, he’ll start spamming thanks and switch to torb. That’s the difference :frowning:

Those are pretty much the same thing. They do need to get 6 stacks opponents too lol. If they only dueled other 6 stacks (ideal but rare) then no one would ever. Both can communicate with their group so they should be able to with each other.

lfg doesnt matter for higher ranks, u will just wait an eternity and instantly disband after first loss.
for me in masters i can’t see any masters lfgs so it’s pointless for me, kthx

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I don’t think you replied to the right person.

i did reply to the right one, thing is u don’t know about his sr.
this guy is masters so he’ll get a lot of matches like this, and lfg wont matter much enough, like i said
before replying u should have check his profile, and i know that it wasn’t u writing that article but u linked it
i hope u understood what i’ve wanted to tell u now

I’m Masters as well, but I’ve never been in game as a solo-queuer or duo against a six-stack. It’s incredibly rare, even in Masters. I can certainly understand GM and T500 though.

that happens in 6 stacks as well when using lfg