6 Months!? And Career Profile Hours Are Still Wrong

I play on Ps4. Ive played Overwatch since 2018. I briefly played on PC… I played Overwatch consistently all the way through the end of Overwatch1. I easily had tons and tons of hours and great memories.

I did was I was told and did the proper steps to merge my accounts before Overwatch2.

I looked at my Career Profile Hours at the start of Overwatch2, and they were and still are completely incorrect. Blizzard I literally have thousands of hours missing on my heroes played. No not just like a double digits or even hundreds, thousands.

It’s like you guys took a snapshot of the time I made my blizzard account, and it just froze in time. It made me look like I barely had touched the game and my top heroes played aren’t even remotely close to what they actually are… let alone the time investment in numerous other heroes.

Do you want to know how heartbreaking that is? I always loved seeing my progression through Overwatch and my growth on heroes. It’s gone. Gone. What’s worse is seems you guys don’t care. This issue should of taken priority ages ago.

Even though there’s beyond enough reports on this issue on this bug section of the forums… You’ve never cared about us console players.

It is still has not been fixed 6 months later. I’m losing hope you guys ever will.

Can y’all just give us an answer- are you guys going fix this or not? Can it be fixed?

This so mind numbing for a community to be ignored on a major issue.


You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Here’s a link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

“gOnNA tAKE @ feW wEek$ gUyS”

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