There is a fundamental community issue that will be aggressively exposed with the 5v5 changes.
This issue lies in the support class. Yes I believe the support class is about to face the most criticism and change to the game, and 5v5 will result in a loss of support players.
The community as a whole (remembering metal ranks compose 85% of the player base) does not understand how to play support. They healbot allies while often times passively engaging enemies or hiding.
This is mildly acceptable as of now, as #1. there is another tank to hardlock and healbot, and #2. there is another tank to protect your backline.
With the removal of the off-tank, and with the changes to tighter map designs, OW2 is going to play significantly faster. The devs have stated they want a faster, flanker style shooter that creates more fluid gameplay.
Supports are going to find themselves more exposed than ever before, facing constant flanks, 1v1s, and various other duels, where their mechanics must override their game-sense.
Now many chose the support class as it provides a unique gaming experience in that you heal allies and the mechanics are not as demanding. It’s not like 99% of other PVP FPS games where a single mistake results in instant death.
If the community currently understood that supports are just DPS-Lite, who happen to also heal allies, then they would be playing them as such. However, they clearly do not, and healbots hard-exist for the majority of the community. I believe that OW2 is going to punish this behavior naturally with how the game plays, which is going to result in incredible frustration and a loss of support players.
While this is purely conjecture, many others within the community forsee a similar issue.
I’d love for OW2 to be 6v6, and I’m not the least bit disappointed by it’s delay. I’ll continue duo tanking with a few of friends and continue enjoying the experience while it exists.