5v5 is the root of many problems

I figure, the benefit with Role Limits is that they don’t need to worry about Role Stacking.

So they can essentially just keep buffing Supports until they are popular enough, as long as Composition Durability doesn’t go too high or too low.

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Agreed. Overall, excited to see what these changes are coming and hopefully they are appealing to the community as a whole.

Well I imagine they will start with the least objectionable buffs, then progressively move in the direction of buffs that might lose some players.

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Dude was spot on, completely agree with him that RQ was a mistake. People don’t want x tanks or x healers, they want people to play the heroes they deem appropriate.

people complaining about durability in ow1 confuse me, the last meta before ow2 (hog, ball) if you decided to be spicy and play rein or monkey and moved maybe one small toe out of line you instantly exploded. Double shield was an issue and boring for a while but the game naturally shifted away from it on its own. keep Orissa’s rework as is and just dial back or her damage negation and speed boost and I think she would fit right in. Junker queen too tbh running her with monkey would be super fun as apposed to playing her solo now. I was 100% tank main in ow1 and I haven’t even touched the role since beta.

EDIT: Haven’t touched the tank role in COMP since beta.

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Impossible. Blizzard said that counter picking wasn’t part of the game anymore and that’s why they could sell heroes. Are you saying they, a company of well known liars, lied? To manipulate the foolish? Again? Like all those other times where they did it and suffered no consequences?

Toxic players ruined the support role. Support itself is fine. Some reworks needed.

I’m 6v6 most fights were Reinhardt mirrors. For years. We are used to it.

That’s not how queues work at all. They are long because there are so many tanks.

Offtank is not a role in this game anymore.

So it only feels like a team fight if you’re all behind a shield spamming Aoe healing and making a fight go on for three years. No thanks.

Amazing. This entire post asks the OW community to forget the evidence of every game of Overwatch 2.

I don’t understand why that isn’t already the case. I mostly played tank in OW1 and am not touching it in OW2 anymore.

Update: tank is now the fastest queue for me

The tank unpopularity we had in the past was, If im not wrong of course, the amount of cc.
Tanks were slept, pushed, frozen etc. A mechanic that was created to stop flankers due to their insane mobility and, instead, used greately on other less movile targets.
Nerf flankers or increase mobility and surival kits of supports, keep or tone down the cc and you will have the tank able to play as in the past.

P.S the first tank released was JQ with again a mode of cc that is the roadhog hook…(losing control of your movement) and the next release was Rammatra, with a shield and also a CC skill as a way to slow down enemies. So in terms of CC we are going back to that road again.

Happy to see more ppl are finally waking up to the superiority of 6v6 like I and others have said since 5v5 was revealed


they need to let you swap into the tank role when they leave in a game of comp. You can get by if you’re down a dps or a support but no tank at all? that’s a major disadvantage, way bigger than having a leaver in one of the other roles which is already a big disadvantage

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When your game has been balanced around 6vs6 for years and you change it drastically to 5vs5 without touching most of the roles or with minor tweaks… it was obvious that Blizzard was creating more issues than solving the ones existing.


All this development time, reworking of heroes, and headaches just because they “wanted to simplify battles and make matches less chaotic”

it really wasn’t worth it…


Or simply allow people to switch roles between teammates when they can’t play a certain hero (especially tanks). I’m not sure most people that queue for a role are able to play all heroes from the cast (especially DPS heroes that are numerous).

When I play tank, I can only play 3 heroes (with a decent gameplay). That’s clearly not enough for me to play Competitive as a tank but a lot of people do queue for tank with even less experience… and they can’t switch roles during the match which is problematic (and damaging for the rest of the team).

Edit : The worst experience to me so far is getting Hammond player onetricks…

oh yeah hammond one tricks… oof.

I do miss open queue sometimes. I honestly think a soft role lock where you had to have at least one of each role would have been better.

5v5 is what made the game unfun for me.
Additionally I don’t think any kind of patching or reworks is going to solve anything, 5v5 just doesn’t work on a design level.
Unless you remake everyone of the same class to behave and play basically the same, which is not Overwatch’s identity.


This was the argument a year ago about the tank shortage problem. As I read further…

I have ignored this misrepresentation for some time, but now I have to make a comment.

Smite exists and its a first person MOBA.

The idea of a “shooter first MOBA second” doesn’t really exist, nor has it ever. You do not level up skills. You do not purchase items to build a character. I would say the more apt comparison would be first person shooter with abilities. Of those games, there are very few because, bottom line, they aren’t truly popular to begin with.

Pure FPS games like Call of Duty and Counter Strike, or the hybrid Rainbow Six Siege have the lions share of the players.

On the topic of Smite, it seems like it has a more stable competitive scene then Overwatch League. Its been around longer and people still participate and watch it. Might be better for Blizzard to lean into the MOBA aspects a little more if they want their game to be taken seriously. Just a though, I have no real idea of whether or not that would actually work for them. Skill to player conversion may be to high if they went that route, and you can’t have that for babies first shooter now can we.

The first third of the games competitive life span was Dive. That’s like saying a hamburger has a sprinkle of meat.

They introduced role queue in the same patch they decimated tank durability. Blizzard shot themselves in the foot. It had nothing to do with the players.

You are missing the fact, and Blizzard has a long track record of this, that the players who end up leaving the “role” normally don’t come back to the game. Its a day late and a dollar short by the time they fix the problem. Its why there isn’t an overabundance of tank players right now.

The longer these arguments last, the less I am willing to see your fixes as realistic. You seem to give Blizzard way more credit then they have earned. Time and time again for the last 5 years minimum Blizzard has done nothing but reduce the player count through very very bad decisions, and then think with one good decision people will flock back to the game in droves. It didn’t happen in 2019, it didn’t happen in 2020 and it will not happen in 2023 when they finally decide to fix the issues which realistically they could fix in a week. Bad developers are bad developers.

By “counter picking” I think you mean swapping to Roadhog

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I just think it was a terrible decision for Blizzard to go to 5v5 when all the existing characters of OW1 were designed for a 6v6 game. We know that Barrierwatch was a problem but removing 1 tank was absolutely the worst/laziest way they could have addressed it.

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Heck no. I rather not return to CCwatch.