5v5 is the root of many problems

duh, solution is not to mirror or counter but to mirror counter.

k, s#$% posting done. Have a good one.


We should have went 7v7 instead of 5v5. The good thing is that 6v6 is still the code so can easily be implemented through a patch.
I’ve been saying 5v5 wouldn’t work since it’s announcement and it’s funny seeing how it only took 2 and a half months for people to really start seeing the consequences of it.

I don’t think blizzard expected how detrimental the removal of a tank would impact the entire support role. Now the games hemorrhaging support players and having to expand the match maker to compensate. Changing supports isn’t the right call. We just want 6v6 back


The massive amounts of healing is one of the core issues with the game for a long time - the fact you want to buff healers is absurd. You don’t need to buff healers. You just need to give them their off-tank back.


They need to fix matchmaking, or they lose millions of players.

So they can afford to lose a few tens/hundreds of thousands of players to avoid that.

So if a tens/hundreds of thousands of players don’t want Support buffs. There’s an easy fix for that. Let them quit.

By comparison, going back to 6v6 would probably lose a few million players. Especially since we also saw that a lack of Tank Popularity also caused a lot of Matchmaker speed problems.

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Matchmaking is completely broken, no argument there. Support players were fine in OW1, so I don’t understand this argument that they need to be buffed without making them monsters. Less people means they should be healing less, not more.

Lol. Where are you pulling these numbers from hun.


They are a guess, but let me ask you this.

What makes you think going back to 6v6, and nerfing the Tanks a lot, wouldn’t put us right back into the Tank unpopularity problem we had before?

I was actually an advocate for 7v7 (2-3-2). But my answer on for this is - tanks will become just as unpopular in 5v5 once the ‘excitement’ wears off. Solo tanking is abjectly miserable.


When the problem is “avoiding compositions that are too durable”, what makes you think 7v7 would have less defensive capabilities than 6v6.

Extra damage = less durability. Adding a lethal squishy doesn’t really do much for survivability.

Also, my stance is that healing was already way too high in OW1. Having an extra person to heal (and that is hunting you AND protecting you) balances it out a bit.

But obviously there would be changes to be made, just like there (barely) was in 5v5.

I think the 30% ult charge swap has to go. I like the idea of it but it’s becoming a big issue.

I think faster balance changes with the hot fix (which was broken) can help fix how bad the meta feels along with continuing to rework characters. Push maps could use some changes too.

For me personally I don’t ever want to go back to OW1. It needs work and hopefully after the holidays we use some big changes and faster.

Also the shop is terrible. Lol

So couldn’t they just do 5v5, but with more Support firepower?

The way I see it, 5v5 makes it a lot easier to have popular Tanks and popular Supports, without making compositions too durable.

Sure. They could just remake Valorant, which is way more popular than OW. But I don’t see why you would want that.

How much of the playerbase do you figure would be left after they subtract out DPS, Tanks, and kill focused Supports.

I’m thinking about 7% or less.

And when they can easily lose a few percentage of the playerbase to fix matchmaking, it’s not that big a deal.

I genuinely have no clue what you’re talking about.

Essentially, over 90% of the playerbase prefers FPS based role design playstyles.

And you’re trying to act like they can’t afford to not cater the game to the less than 10% group that prefers more MOBA/RPG role designs.

When a large chunk of those MOBA/RPG preferenced players are going to quit PVP when PVE comes out.

And pretty much all the games that are MOBA first, and Shooter second are dead.

Where as the games that are Shooter first, and MOBA second are thriving.

Exactly. Time to kill is off the charts. Supports loved playing support up until they lost a near dedicated peel tank.

6v6 is the answer. We could fix this game in a day with two tanks and heroes tuned accordingly.


Your argument is Blizz makes more money therefore it’s ok?

We have nothing more to discuss.

I’m exclusively a DPS player and I would spend another $60.00+ to have the game brought back to 6v6.


Well yeah, they would make more money.

But they’d do so by making the largest amount of players happy.

How is that a bad thing?

Or are you trying to say it would be morally superior to make fewer players happy, by the millions.

You’re conflating making/spending the most money with being happy. All they want is those sweet sweet whales that buy every new $20 skin. They don’t care if they make people who don’t spend anything happy or not.

But I genuinely don’t care. We’re arguing what makes a better game, not about what makes Blizz the big bux. Go play COD. Go watch Avatar. They make so many people happpy.

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