55hps won't fix Mercy

yeah, it is contructive, bubzy. just rebutting common arguements that people like you would make lmao

I don’t really like tempo-rez Valkyie.

Valkyre with tempo rezzes (aka multiple single rezzes) unshackled Mercy from the limitations of AoE rez - the ones that kept its power it in check.

AoE rez: cannot help allies who died scatterd, or staggered. Staggering deaths was one of the ways for the enemy to minimize its impact.

Valkyrie rez (with multiple charges of solo rez): forgives sloppy teamplay and ignores clever enemy teamplay by forgiving scattered/staggered deaths.


i dont know how you’re gonna come back from this one Arcadius :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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This is why it’s called a tempo resurrect. Usually done during big team fights that actually matter.

You swing tempo into your favor by resurrecting multiple teammates.

Kind of like how Ana… heals your nano target for 300 HP, boosts their damage output, and even mitigates damage intake.

Swinging tempo into your favor.


I think you really missed the point. and i dont really know what you’re argueing.

you quote the most irrelevant part of Silawatsi’s arguement and then dont even aknowledge it again. did you take an english class? if you mention something in your intro/topic sentence dont forget to bring it up again.

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Did… did you read the entire post?

I know what a tempo rez is. It was my favoured playstyle during Mercy 1.0, and something I’d love to have back.

My point about tempo-rez-Valkyrie was that it wasn’t balanced because it didn’t have the limitations that AoE rez had. The lack of checks and balances for rez is why early Mercy 2.0 was an OPAF monster for half a year.

If rez is to brought back as Mercy’s ult, it needs to be done very carefully. It needs counterplay and a range of impact that sharply reflects the player’s skill, because we’ve all seen what happens when you make rez’s impact consistent across the board.

I care most about mercy being fun and engaging, but being balanced and viable is on my priority list, too. The last thing I want is for Mercy to be overpowered again.


“I don’t like Valkyrie tempo resurrect because it hurts general teamplay”

sounds about right

But with Ana we can do the same thing, without having to resurrect a teammate


going from 1-2 hp is no big deal, but 0-1 is huge.
ana’s nano healing for 300 isnt as big a deal as people think, nano is good b/c of damage boost + redux.

the point was Tempo-rez-valkyrie lacked the drawbacks of original ressurect.
you directed the conversation into ana without a segue and it made no sense.

valkyrie tempo rez didnt hurt teamplay, it removed the NEED for general teamplay in mercy’s regard.

wow this looks ugly.

I love the post where OP admits what is wrong with the hero. You say she was a must pick but now she is not. Perfect reason why Mercy should stay as she is right now.

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I don’t want Mercy to be a must pick OR a trash pick.

The point of the op was that adjusting Mercy’s healing won’t make her balanced. It’s not enough. She needs more abilities, because if you only adjust healing values Mercy will only continue to swing between “must pick” and “troll pick” with no middle ground.

You seem to be forgetting she isn’t just healing.

Mercy heals, can damage boost at will (which is INCREDIBLY strong), and can rez. The issue is when rez went on her standard kit it gave her too much utility outside of ultimate

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She is not a trash pick. She is not the best tank healer anymore. She can briefly heal behind cover, full heal trough enemy shield and GA to any ally who is in immediate danger. Notice the difference.

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The nerfs/buffs were give and take. If they only took away from kits, then every support in existence would look really bad to play.

This is why Ana now heals for 300HP rather than simply nanoboost a target

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Man I really dislike playing mercy now. Her healing just feels so weak compared to Ana or even Moira. I wish they would just finally get rid of the damn rezz and buff all her other abilities instead.

She needs to be more interactive or feel rewarding. Even if they gave her 500 HPS, she’d still be boring to play in her current state.

Mercy is a loooooooooooot more fun in uprising due to significant increases in beam switching and pistol usage. Imo a lingering effect would push gameplay in that direction.

People ask for 55hps just for the sake of a bandaid solution while hopefully a long term fix e.g. another rework would in progress (along with other balancing fixes in the game)

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She needs some from of burst healing, to combat all the burst damage… Something small that would bring her hp/s back up

Healing surge
-Every 4 seconds Mercy is tethered to target she heals a small burst of 20hp. Also works when applying damage beam

This keeps her hp/s at 70 over extended periods of time, such as healing tanks or pocketing. Pocketing is one of Mercy’s core strengths

I’m wary of putting a burst heal on Mercy’s E.

Why? Because of the SR system.

The only stats Mercy has any meaningful control over are her healilng and # of rezzed allies per match. The gun is a very niche part of Mercy’s playstyle, and damage boost puts most of the performance burden on Mercy’s teammate instead of Mercy herself.

In Mercy’s 1.0 incarnation, this didn’t give the SR system much to go on when using stats to calculate skill… so it put a disproportionate amount of emphasis on the “# of rezzed players” stat, which led to the hide n rez SR exploit that ruined a lot of games.

Assuming that rez is going back on Q (since we’re talking about hypothetical new E abilities), the SR system is going to need more stats than just “healing and rez count” (when talking about stats that Mercy has a lot of control over) to chew on, if Mercy players are going to receive fair, accurate SR gains/losses according to their skill level. This means giving Mercy an E ability that has a unique effect whose impact can be easily tracked with sheer numbers and percentages.

For example:
“Accuracy with X ability”
“Number of players affected by X ability”
and so on.


Sorry forgot to mention it would’t affect her ult… Her 50hp/s beam just can’t keep anyone alive. Meanwhile Moira is spraying everyone in a cone for 80hp/s.
I want to buff her healing tad without touching Valyrie and res