<500 SR And Trying To Rank Up?

Not sure that do they ” belong ” there, but there are probably somehow handicapped persons in this game who probably are more like clad that they have online video game instead thinking what rank they are, they play for fun.

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If PBSR works as it’s intended, a single win on a player that has sufficiently deranked to <500 should immediately pull them out of <500 into 750-1000 range.

PBSR doesn’t affect MMR. MMR is used for matchmaking.

Based on what? Nothing in any of what any dev has said, or what has been compiled in The Guide suggests that anything like this will or should happen. Please read the guide.

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You really do cling to this terrible write-up of a blog post.

I don’t believe this is correct.

While the original reference (Scott Mercer) does talk strictly about ‘gaining and losing SR’, the post only speaks about SR. This is almost certainly glossing over the idea that SR is a scaled tracking of MMR, as he’s talking about the SR you gain and lose from wins and losses (which is really a gain/loss of MMR, which is then reflected in SR because SR follows MMR).

AFAIK, the only times SR is adjusted independently of MMR are for leaver penalties (which are just to make you feel bad, not to change matchmaking) and Rank Decay (which is meant to force you to grind for end-of-season rewards and not ‘rank camp’, but without changing matchmaking).

Performance-based modifiers on the other hand are meant to change matchmaking and get you ‘more quickly’ to fair matches, which wouldn’t happen if it was not a change to MMR.


A useful skill to have when playing against a smurf is to have your game be one of the ones they want to use for deranking, not one they want to use for stomping. So if you pretend not to notice they are smurfing and just say stuff like “good round everyone”, they will find it boring to stomp your game. But if you cry about smurfs or try to 1v1 them they will enjoy stomping you immensely.

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PBSR is just a functionality of making it so that under 2900 SR gains and losses from match outcomes can be adjusted based on your performance. MMR is always free to move as much as is needed, including zero. Once you’re not a new account, and have been playing a sufficient number of games, the uncertainty metric of MMR lowers and MMR becomes more stable, therefore it moves less extremely, and more similarly to the SR.

There’s a section in the guide about the conflicting information from Scott Mercer’s posts and why Kaawumba interprets things to be what Jeff says, which was explicitly that “Only MMR is used for matchmaking”. PBSR is a change to a visible stat, whereas MMR is a secret stat. We don’t know how much it moves in a win or a loss, but we have been told that it adjusts more freely than the constraints that were placed on SR.

This is a title of a section that has a good amount of info on this.

This is not a thing. The match maker does not pre-arrange wins or losses for either team. Every match is created with the intent of being as close to a 50/50 win chance for each team as is possible within the time it takes to find the right people.

When he says “nearly guaranteed to win”, this is not talking about intentional actions on part of the matchmaker. The matchmaker is using skill information that is POTENTIALLY inaccurate. So, if your skill information is inaccurately low, then it will be accidentally putting you in matches that are easier than they should be. If you continue to lose those matches due to the reality of randomness and team synergy, then your MMR will get lower, and potentially be more incorrect. Eventually, if the MMR is wrong enough, then the games will get very easy, and the chances will increase that you’ll win. There is no such thing as “rigged to guarantee” anything. When MMR is inaccurate, then the chances are just slanted in the direction of correction, because your actual skill is different than their model of your skill. They’re putting you in matches that are INTENDED to be completely fair and even with the understanding that MMR is not a perfect model of skill, just the best that exists in the Overwatch ecosystem.

People talk of statistical probabilities, but others interpret those as intentions, or aims, or bad things. The matchmaker is not a person, it doesn’t seek to even the score. The matchmaker doesn’t care how many games you’ve won or lost, it just takes the MMR and tries to put you in a fair game based on that MMR and the MMR of the people queued at the same time as you.

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I’m not talking about matchmaking. I’m talking about a smurf going into a day of games wanting to have fun stomping some of them but also not wanting to level into an SR range they can no longer stomp on. This has nothing to do with the matchmaker.

Single players do not have significant enough influence over individual games to truly make this decision. Most people that throw in order to reliably lower their SR do so as groups. (this is based on LFG information and literally hundreds of people that I have reported).

Just because a player is manipulating their SR, doesn’t mean a player can manipulate their MMR. Since SR is not used for matchmaking, then there is a limit to how much a smurf can manipulate the outcome of individual matches when alone.

The reduction of throwers and boosters is actually one of the primary reasons I advocate for changing Role Queue to a Solo Queue only model. Competitive Suggestion - Solo Queue

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I belong in <500. I suck. Get off your high horse and understand people cant play this game as well as you


It wasn’t intended as an insult. I was 700 SR for a while, the environment sub 1000 SR is toxic and horrible, and I don’t think it gives people a clear picture of how good they are. Mostly it is a demotivating place of torture. I’ve had so much more fun since climbing past around 1100 SR. I don’t think I got significantly better right away, I just got focused, and I stopped trying to take the advice of bronze people. I mean, no one really deserves to be shot calling in bronze except maybe just naming a target…


Lowest I ever dropped to was around 600 SR. I knew I was bad I just didn’t think I was bottom of the barrel bad, but yeah I guess I was. I think most of the reason was just not understanding much about the game. Like people would use ults and I wasn’t sure which team was using them, for example.

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<500 is 40% special needs persons, 40% trolls, and 20% normal people that dont realize there is no climbing out

Ranking up according to your skill is impossible because of MMR and algorithmic handicapping.

That is false with no evidence. Its said by someone who can’t climb and blames others for his lack of skills

Wonder where that puts me. Because I do know there is no way out of the bottom once you’re there.

I can prove you wrong

I mean, sure, you can try to convince me, but it will take a lot of nerve from you.

I currently have exams from now and until a few weeks. But I can definitely do some games here and there, especially for Tank and Support, not DPS because I am very time restricted. But I can gurantee you that almost all games will be easy wins. I have done this before and was able to rank tank out of bronze to diamond with over 95% winrate mainly playing Wrecking Ball and support with over 80% winrate (also from bronze to plat/diamond) mainly playing Lucio

Add me on Discord: Abdullahx9000#4294

I didn’t catch your plan here.