50 hp/s is plenty I have proof

The Mercy+Zen synergy is what enabled double sniper on PC. Mercy’s job was to keep up tanks and damage boost snipers, and rez. Zenyatta’s job was to discord orb and defensive ult.

When neither of them can keep up tanks, that synergy is weakened considerably. And the counter comps start to falter.

On console, that’s irrelevant because Ana is lacking. So the synergy threshold that Mercy has to clear is lower than on PC. You can just like add a Lucio in instead of Zen if there is an issue with the tanks being kept up. And then you can exploit her synergy with the ranged high damage heroes to it’s fullest.

That isn’t gonna cut it on PC because of the superior Ana and the superior accuracy.

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And it seems like pro players already trying to use Baptiste instead of Brigitte in GOATS 2.0.

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My apologies. I thought this was broken down POS overwatch forums, not lawyer debates that require precise, non-hyperbolic speech.

As for the “joke” stance, anything that has taken 15 nerfs is not going to be taken seriously. Likewise, any community that spews out Trihard 7 whenever a black guy is on screen is not going to be taken seriously either.

If this is your metric and you’re solely basing it off raw HP/s, then that same Zenyatta you reference is useless with 30 HP/s, no? Since that’s obviously not the case, I’ll reiterate that raw HP/s alone isn’t all there is to consider; how applicable and reliable your heals are matter just as much.

In terms of your analogy, depending on which dps your allies are, Moira and Ana might be using spray bottles instead of full-fledged water guns. Fast flankers like Tracer and Genji, highground users like Widow and Hanzo, and of course Pharah are all much easier to heal as Mercy than Moira or Ana who have no access to high ground, much more limited mobility to follow, and can so very easily miss heals on these heroes in the thick of it.

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I did know Lucio’s healing rate was a billion per second, but now I will be maining him from here on out

I misremembered parts of it, but i believe he’s still saying the same thing i posted about.
also it was geoff not jeff

Rein can’t be ran without Lucio, but people still win games like that. Most of the basic rules of “what is needed” don’t really apply to ranked. You can easily run comps without big defensive ults. It might be less than ideal, but so are a lot of other things people do in comp.

Yes, but it’s very big gamble, that relies in eliminating any enemies, before they get any chance to use their ults.

Or simply letting them use their big ult combo, then coming back next fight with your own ults. Getting wiped is not bad if you can get the enemy to invest multiple ults (as long as you’re not about to lose ofc).




exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

“he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles”

synonyms:exaggeration, overstatement, magnification, amplification, embroidery, embellishment, overplaying, excess, overkill

You missed the point that she is extremely mobile, can fly on and out of high ground, selfsustains and benefits pick based compositions. I’m not disagreeing with your points; just that you outright decide to ignore her strong points to fit your agenda.

She’s in a good spot in this current meta (where GOATS is still viable, but DPS centric comps can also thrive), unlike in the last patch.

Does she need a buff? Would be nice, but not necessary. If she’s ever going to get buffed/changed, it SHOULD not be to her lowest skill requiring aspect (her M1 healing), but a change to her E so she gets more room for skillful plays and doesn’t get gimped so bad due to the existence of Rez as a cooldown. A cleanse + temporary heal boost would be nice. But, NEVER, never buff her M1 healing. It’s the lowest skillful part of her kit, whatever value it is it becomes her skill floor no matter how bad the player is. And you know what happens to a Hero who has too much value as a skill floor; Brig.

I think you may have missed the part where I was responding to a post about her healing having no downsides.

23 seconds is actaully a long time in OW lol.
Also quickplay is not a very good indicator.
But Mercy is very strong, yes. Nice vid!

Word. This is the number one reason why Mercy is OP.

It was the use of the name Jeff as opposed to Geoff that confused me…that and no numbers were mentioned

Personally, I dont see any value in hyperbole when a serious discussion comparing x with y is underway

idk why people are so against 60 HP/S.

when did we start complaining about it?

Ana is also hard capped. Once you hit every shot, shes done. Ana heals about 82 health per second once reload is accounted for and you hit every shot. Yes, she can heal potentially more than Mercy, in practice she does not. On average, Mercy is roughly tied with Moira for healing done during a match and both are significantly higher than Ana.

As the most survivable primary healer, Mercy does not not higher healing. She will stay alive to heal much longer than Moira or Ana.


You do not expect anyone to believe this do you?


Not to be pedantic, but “hard capped” doesn’t just mean limited.

Everything has a limit. I’m not saying Ana has infinite HPS or anything.

But her potential is far beyond 50 HPS, especially when you consider the effects of nade.

The best Mercy in the world is still healing 50 HPS. That’s being hard capped.

Ana’s HPS scales with player skill. It’s able to grow with the player.

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