5 year OW Anniversary is going to be lit fam. All aboard the hype train!

we will have a recycled even for the 5th year


no new events = replays

no new PvE = new PvP

I want to be optimisitic

I really do

We’ll also have OW 2 possibly :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is possible but nothing is set in stone.

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the worst that can happen is the budget will dry up

there will be a significant OW player base at the 7 year anniversary(speculation)

Where in the world is that optimism coming from?

Doubt it make it to 5, boss. OW 2 will launch where year 5 would’ve been. It’ll be there, but won’t be supported anymore.

look at a match of Overwatch….Awesome!

look at everything that touches a match of Overwatch….lackluster

they worked there fingers to the bone just to give us a match, now they just need to understand the wide-range meaning of the word “team”

I wrote this statement that OW2 will be PvE. Maybe six players verses mobs and bosses. Maybe an MMO with little to no PvP aspects.

it’s not like they’re going to put OWone inside of OW2

It’ll be more like “what’s Overwatch?”

don’t people still play starcraft?

is Quake still going on?

is TF2 dead?


tons of multiplayer PvP games have stood the test of time and you think OW is a likely candidate to go by the wayside?

2-2-2 is a massive change.

And it’s the first of a lot of massive changes. A lot of heroes are going to need a lot of work.

A lot of people are not going to like these changes.

2-2-2 is just the tip of the iceberg.

And we can still make some horrendous 2-2-2 comps, I saw a lot of them tonight.

OW in 2 years simply wont be recognisable. And I’m not convinced it’ll survive it, no. It’ll be a niche title. It won’t be the big esport of the next decade they’re dreaming of.

I’m hoping they return to No Limits by year 5 and have individual Hero SR.

I don’t think so either, but I’m praying for them to succeed. Because the better OWL does the longer OW will live.

we should meet back here in 2 years and you can buy me a sodapop :slight_smile:

TFw and Quake is a niche. CSGO, LoL, DoTA, R6S are doing good though since they had good vision on how they wanted their game to be. OW seems to need to control the playerbase and is struggling to get new players. I think OW will become f2p and a niche game soon.


Fortnite is not getting any more players. OW is not getting any more players. Once a game is out for 18 months…it’s not getting any more players.

not sure when the actual cut off date is, but games never get more players in the midstage.

unless you’re phenomena like world of Warcraft.

this is my speculation anyway

Thankfully we’ll never have scoreboards because they don’t make sense for Overwatch. It’s not a K/D game, it’s a team fight / objective-based game and scoreboards can’t convey context.

You’ll just have to continue using medals to blame teammates, like we did when I was a young’un.

Just kidding, I was never young and I always knew that blaming teammates wouldn’t help me improve or climb.

I’d like to see 2-2-2 work out and OWL do well, but I feel like it’s a massive risk at the wrong time. I’ll give it fair chance but I can just see 2-2-2 doesn’t come close to giving you a good comp on its own. They should have pushed LFG harder.

Most comps are 2-2-2 anyway, those fringe 4-6 DPS comps are rare, and honestly not even as bad as some of the cluster- 2-2-2 can create. Almost all the hopeless comps that lose in spawn are 2-2-2; because that’s what people put together.

The role SR could salvage something but there’s a lot between being a Plat Rein and a Plat Hammond. One doesn’t give you the other.

I don’t see how it actually fixes anything.

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give my Topic a read and let me know if there is any QoL you could add to my wish list :slight_smile:

Almost 40 copies sold worldwide.

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OW is poppin. You think nerf lego an kellogs would be talkin to these guys if it weren’t?