5 wins - 1 loss in healing rank

I believe i have the same problem for DPS role, or i don’t, the sad thing is ok i can by myself calculate my winrate, and i can see that its above 50%, but like ,all seasons being stuck in bronze 5 meanwhile other roles keep updating after 5 wins, and i can’t even ask another human(anyone from support) if its a bug or i just need to win like 15 games in a row in order to get to bronze 4 -_-

The competitive rank adjustment system has always been wildly unpredictable. Whether that is the result of bugs or poorly implemented systems, it’s often hard to tell without detailed histories on your competitive rank adjustments. If you believe it to be a bug, then I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs in my megathread under: Bronze 5 Bugs. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.

Why is it so hard to rank up as support nut not as Tank or DPS?

I don’t konw how your rank exactly is but if you playd ow1 you probably remember SR.
Win ca. +30 loss ca. -20 so

So 5 x 30 = 150 SR and 6 x 20 = 120 SR so that means you earned 30 SR and if you where high in your rank you ranked up. (In your DPS rank)

This is a minimum value bug. It’s affecting a TON of people and is getting reported all over the place. I have the same issue with my account and have reported it as well. Blizzard doesn’t seem to be interested in fixing it or even responding to the bug report threads.