5 for 5 placements == Silver

Not complaining about ranks and ladder anxiety - But I’ve been gold, then was silver last season - And now this new season I got 5/5 wins as heals in placements and you just dump me in silver? I gets there’s MMR background blah blah but that’s literally flawless?! Throw me a bone and gold a least for that kind of placements? Has anyone else experienced this lil disappointment? I’ll keep going I guess…


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not really. If I win all 5 placements I typically go up like 100sr or something.

I went 4W1L on tank placements and went from 1866 to 1924 (+58sr).


thanks there’s hope at least! I’ve tanked a long time but it’s bronze-silver there so I was just curious about that scaling with my healing placement. Appreciate the feedback. = )

It depends on your stats I think, if you played better than your last season.
I ended at 3112 last season and got placed 3159 this season after winning 4 and losing 1.


Placements are much more impacted by personal performance than win/loss. I once went 0/5 and still went up around 300 SR from the last season because I rocked it even though we lost. Had some throwers/leavers and stuff on a couple of them. This was an alt account I hadn’t played in a couple of years so it definitely recognized that’d I’d improved.

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Once you’ve played the first time every other placement from there on is pretty much just normal matches where your SR increases and decreases are invisible to you until the grand total is revealed at the end.


Up to diamond, you are not exactly fighting for wins. You are fighting for stats.

It’s more complicated than I write here, but in layman terms, Blizzard have some expected values that you need to meet to climb in ranks. You need to get your stats up to your next rank standard, and then sustain a positive winrate to get pushed there over time.

Stuff like damage taken, damage dealt, damage blocked, healing done, final blows, objective time, etc. That includes some character-specific stats as well, like how many people you hack as Sombra, or discord assists with Zenyatta, or average charge on Zarya.

Look out there for PBSR, or Performance-Based Skill Rating, which is the system behind Overwatch matchmaker. Above 3000 SR, PBSR is turned off, and literally the only stat that matters is winrate.

So even if you get 70% winrate, but, eg, your Mercy is outputting 8k healing per 10 minutes, and the game expect you to have 10k healing per 10 minutes to climb to gold, you’ll stay on silver.

(It’s never one single stat, but you get the gist of it)


While your stats do matter they aren’t the prime factor that determine your gains. Typically if you perform well, for your character on a specific map, it will result in an increase or decrease of ~4sr.

Winning or losing is the main determining factor that results in a fairly standard 21sr before PBSR is factored in. This makes stat chasing an unreliable way to inflate gains but more for curbing SR reduction from losses.

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Oh, definitely. Keeping a positive winrate is the more important part. But if your stats are subpar for the next rank, they will weight you down trying to keep you in place. Eg, you may earn only 18 SR on a win, while if your stats are good you may earn 25+ SR.

Good stats also work on a loss, so you lose less SR if you perform well in the match.

My point is that this is by design, and stop being a factor once you leave the metal ranks.

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I personally do not look at my stats anymore or pay any attention to them, and that is whether I am losing or not, I just simply focus on the current game.

I used to do that a lot before, like pressing Tab every few secs to see my stats, whether or not I had gold healing, etc. It only made me tilt more and focus on the wrong things.

I now use tab to see what the enemy is running and what % of ult charge my team has and how to try and coordinate the next push or whether or not the enemy Rein has shatter, etc.

The medals have ruined the gameplay in low ranks tbh. People are way too much into who has gold what not instead of actually concentrating on the current game, and people are way into how much SR you gain or lose or whether or not the PBSR “was on your side this match or not”.

People forgot to play the game as it is, forget to concentrate on the current match they are playing because they are too busy trying to rank up certain stats depending on the role or hero they play.

The less you care about who has gold in what the more you will actually be able to play the current match and the more you might learn.

There are like million ways for someone to have Gold this or that but it does not mean they gained it by actually providing value to the current match.


I mean… If you’re not putting out 10k heals/10 mins, you’re probably not ready for the next rank…

But this makes sense though. To move to the next rank, putting out the average performance in your current rank isn’t that impressive, nor is it enough performance to:

  1. Climb past all the other players putting out average stats
  2. Maintain performance in the next highest rank.

And even still, a player may be performing above average for their rank but still not quite well enough to move up in rank.

Now if someone starts getting 35 -> 40 -> 50 -> 70 (most I’ve seen on aged accounts is 100) SR per win, its pretty clear you’re hitting a level of performance exceptional to those in your current rank.


What season did this happen?! Pre-role queue??

If you leave an account idle (from competitive) for a while (6 or more months is my understanding of what it takes) then the MM allows for greater volatility after initial placements.

Which is to say, you may do the placement games and get a little or a lot more SR, but if you continue to play on that account and exceed your previous performance, then your MMR adjusts to meet your new play-style rather than your original.

This comes directly from WyomingMyst who is the only technical representative I see comment on these forums.

Stats don’t matter after 3000 though. Its purely based on win/loss. When I do placements and win all 5, I go up approximately 125 SR. If I lose one or two I only go up about 50 - 75.

Its rough out there buddy.

If you finished Silver and placed Silver after winning all 5 placements, you’re either too far from Gold to place Gold, or your MMR is Silver.

What was your ending SR season 27, what did you place season 28?

I lost over 250 sr in dps placement and lost all 5 matches which were all trash fests, leavers, players threatening to report other players because they took “their” hero and then throwing by jumping off the map over and over again (they were in a 3 stack and they all did this), and a torb one trick just trying to get hammer kills all match.

Surprisingly no smurfs and blatant cheating though.

I had the same experience, 0-5 on dps but only dropped about 100 SR. My tank is going better, 3-1 so far and seeing a lot of masters so I hope that’s a good sign.

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