Seconding FlareToga, the Devs added a new requirement for competitive rewards back in Season 3 if I remember correctly, which required a minimum of 15 wins in a competitive mode to be eligible to earn end-of-season competitive rewards. For all of Overwatch 1 and the seasons of Overwatch 2 prior to this change, the only requirement to earn competitive rewards was to simply finish placements or to finish a rank update, which was 7 wins originally and later decreased to 5 wins.
That being said, distribution of end-of-season competitive rewards has always been unreliable, and in fact, despite every single season so far having major issues with it, only two seasons have had retroactive fixes. If you did complete this 15 wins requirement and still are missing your competitive rewards, then it is likely a bug, and a recurring one at that. In which case, you are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I’ve compiled a list of similar posts regarding similar bugs under: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.