40% of the players in OW2 need to be supports (Rant)

They already confirmed that the old maps - if at all - will only receive minimal changes.
Maps like Havana, Junkertown, Route 66, King’s Row etc. will feel terrible if there aren’t either major changes to the map design or to the way Tanks are supposed to work in OW2.

See, that’s exactly the issue that I see coming up with OW2.
People will expect Tanks to do the same stuff they do in OW1 - without a 2nd Tank to back them up and nerfed defense.

It simply won’t work like that and so far they haven’t shown us a clear picture of what the new Tank Role will play like or what purpose it will serve.

It’s an issue that results out of this part from OP’s post, so I would consider it to be OT:


As a support man I can’t tell you how terrible this sounds.

I would rather find another game that lets me be a healer.


The developers, that is why he is getting a 25% damage reduction in healing in combat. Like all other healers.

People say that a lot, but do we really? Most of the high-damage offenders have less damage than launch, not more.

----Compared to launch:
Mccree - FTH lost 1/3 damage and no longer headshots
Hanzo - 350 storm arrows, spread over 1.25 seconds (plus headshots admittedly) vs 450 instant scatter
Reaper - 240dps instead of 280dps
Bastion - no headshots and worse spread
Genji - 6s, 110dmg blade instead of 8s, 120dmg (but +shuriken damage)
Hog - 165 damage instead of 225 damage
Zarya - 170dps instead of 200dps
Zenyatta - 25% discord instead of 50% discord (but same personal dps)

To be fair, Pharah gained 21dps, Soldier gained 27dps, and we also have Bap/Sig/Orisa who weren’t options at launch.

But overall, there really hasn’t been massive damage creep since launch. Players are just better at aiming.

I was paraphrasing what the devs said who, you know, actually play OW2.

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It would be nice if they shared some positive changes for supports. Something that would get support players excited.


We don’t know that the global healing reduction is going to make the final cut. They’ve also experimented with movement acceleration, but I didn’t see that around at the moment. Not to mention, a blanket healing reduction feels like a stop-gap measure until they know more precisely what they want to do.

Why do so many people that don’t play Mercy think Mercy players want to use a gun to? Ask yourself, if there is 31 heroes in this game that all use guns, and Mercy doesn’t use a gun, why people are flocking to playing Mercy? I’ll tell you in a quick little snipit, WE DON’T WANT TO USE A GUN". There, stop forcing mercy players to use a gun, we don’t want to.

Might as well delete reinhardt’s shield or making it so wrecking ball can’t grapple anymore.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


eh ow2 is a dps players dream. it’s completely unfair that they marketed it a tank focused game to make them better

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Goats called, they want their Brig back.

Would be more fitting as a Valkyrie bonus for her gun, which already doubles projectile speed. Base Mercy would need a change that’s defensive in nature.

With those changes, I am expected to whip out my gun in a team fight as healing sucks, and the pistol would do more than dmg boost. That would be very odd considering Mercy may not be a pacifist anymore (in lore), but choosing violence still wouldn’t be her highest priority consistently.

Why stop there! Sym can headshot! Zarya can headshot! Mei freeze can headshot! DYNAMITE CAN HEADSHOT TOO!

you get a headshot, and you get a headshot, and you get a headshot!


It’s horribly condescending.

See honey? You can have a gun like the big boy DPS! Don’t you want to shoot people? Everyone loves shooting people!

No, I don’t want to shoot people. The gunplay is the worst and most lacking aspect of the game. Employing powerful abilities to mess with my enemies and help my team is what engages me with the experience. I won’t be your second class DPS.


Sums up the problem with DPS focused tanks and supports 100%, why even bother playing tank and support if you’re just going to be a second class DPS anyway? I’ll just queue up for DPS or not play at that point.


Supports would be lucky to even be a second class of DPS. When the forums had a higher population, remember when players would whine about supports winning duels and having fair match ups against dps? And how a teammateless Mercy should the dueling standard for supports aka a free kill.

If they were whining about the '‘healbots’ then during OW1, imagine the glass that will shatter when they screech about the noveau dps supports kicking their a** in a duel.

Supports would either get nerfed back to square 1, or dps would get another set of mega buffs and be back at square 1.

If blizzard doesn’t put their foot down, then submitting to dps overlords will be their downfall.


I heard/read from the players that tested it earlier/months back so far that the opposite case was true that a lot of the team fights from initiation seem to drag on for a while. Which was why I presumed the heal nerf test was added. I guess players ran around and used cover a lot more and so it was a lot of hide and seek in these fights.

With even less healing that will cause people to just hide even more. If peeking means death than you don’t peek, people like to yell about how shields are evil and they don’t like shooting them, but they allowed you to walk forward and try to gain ground.


I view it as converting the largest player population group into Support players.

Screw everyone that isn’t DPS am I right? Might as well delete tanks and supports if they don’t matter.


Support players, that aren’t interested in actually supporting?

It worked out great for tanks(spoiler: it didn’t).

If you listen carefully, you can hear screams from the future, that tank isn’t protecting anyone, supports do not heal, and everyone just goes pew-pew.


for some reason i imagine her just softly hitting people with her flail but when u said that i now think that she just swings it onto their face and bops them back and forth with force

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They probably haven’t committed to any idea yet, they are clearly making things up as we go along if you have been paying attention.

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