4 games in a row with 4 dps autolock

Can we please stop using LFG as an argument as if it’s some flawless system?

Because it isn’t. It has multiple major problems and the more high in the ladder you go the more useless it becomes…

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Yup 20 characters weeee

If you checked, it wouldn’t have taken long. But here is one vid where the tweet was posted: Overwatch - No Role Lock - Will 2/2/2 Happen? (Yes or No?) - YouTube

Role queue or not I don’t care, I play tank/dps and queue with a main healer/tank. Im just annoyed when people pretend something is set in stone when its not. It makes you guys look deluded.

Start soft throwing their games then. I select Torb and still try to win and I do. I don’t bother trying to get them to switch off anymore. If they are going to soft throw. You might as well soft throw too.

If comp was 6 stack only, people could have as many dps as they wanted in their team and nobody would complain about it.

The event is making people want to play dps. If I wanted 222 I would have to be Rein EVERY game. I just chill with 76.

Or is it? I’ve been hearing a lot about that but I’ve never seen anything official about it. To be honest, if you call the game “dying”, this would likely help finishing it off by stirring some of the dps playerbase away (longer Q time, etc…)

There is no solution to this but to increase the heal/tank rooster with characters that are fun to play and impactfull

What event? Anniversary? Why would that make people want to go DPS? Aren’t most of the skins for tank and support?

why would they? they enjoy dps not tank not lmb holders

I remember when LFG was available for testing, there was 6v6 horizon LFG only in the arcade.

It was interesting.

Yeah, no. That probably doesn’t work up until you’re in Masters+, maybe it does in Diamond. But not anywhere lower and in ranks where this undoubtedly is a problem.
Anywhere below you cannot trust those four DPS and I speak with multiple cases of experience. All they do is scream at each other about who has the most damage, about how heavy the rest of the team is for them to carry because apparently they’re all the greatest. 4 DPS works when you have people that know how to play the game. And only then.

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I often fill the game time when I have more than 2 dps in the middle of a game.

One thing is certain, i am not going to waste my time anymore, to people like this.

Either we play together or you can die while I’m watching.

2-2-2 is something Jeff wants so hopefully soon we can see how it does.

I think this is definitely a needed move

I use it since it was out, and it saved the game for me. Group finder not being used is a very very ruuuude lie. You all want 222, you get group finder, don’t use it. 1 extra minute is apparently too much time for you, and asking for only players of your sr to group up with is apparently too big of an effort for you, So you ask blizzard to make an impossible algorithm to do it for their lazy asses.
As someone who uses group finder and profits from i’m so damn pissed of by these dps/222 posts that i’m going to make a thread now about it…

Its in the game its called group finder.
But oh, you want it to be with random people not people you randomly find in group finder, cause that isn’t random enough…

Jeff never said that quit trolling

you’re what 1 in a million with the average amount of people Que’ing are in gold/plat area but the higher and higher elo you go the less people you can group with and at 4k you can’t group with more than 2 people now…


That’s jeff saying it would be a fun idea and in the past has said he thought it was a good idea AND even admits it would make matchmaking better. THAT’S THE DEV of the game saying that… when are people gonna hush and let 2/2/2 just happen and stop defending Bull crap.

Because people who are advocating for 2-2-2 also say creepy stuff like this, I will never be for 2-2-2. :scream:

How is that creepy? it’s truth when even the dev admits it would make match making better… how blind are people?

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