4 actual (non-opinion) problems with Hero Pools



How is “someone think about the one tricks !” an issue ?


Valid concern, but that’s kind of the point of the experiment. But they will still probably make sure it doesn’t get too bad.

If countering was actually a thing, rather than just “pick what’s currently the best”, the game wouldn’t be stale. The whole “counter” thing isn’t working, my guess is that they want to figure out why.


That’s the whole point of the experiment with hero pool. OW is slowly rotting aways. I doubt there will be meta-specifics balance patchs.

They are likely going to use the hero pool system to gather the datas for balancing purpose, then remove it. They will be able to tell which “meta” are the most enjoyable for the players and the OWL. They will also see which characters / metas drives people away from the game, and find solutions.