3rd person, its time

So, you get use to playing a game as a tps and then go into comp to play a fps game??? yep…

Works on other games, then again Overwatch is behind all the other games like it right now.

How do you think Paladins gets their finances? It’s not truly f2p.

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You have the option to buy stuff, just like Overwatch.
Moot argument…

ok, you keep telling people to play paladins for an hour… maybe you should play ow for an hour. There are 25 levels that you cant play comp. Stop looking at things as a casual player and start looking at the overall experience.

After that if you dont like what you see maybe it is time to start looking at other games to occupy your time… Best advice I can give you.

I have played it, and that is why i’m suggesting this. 3rd person is in the game already from Rhin, Junk Rat, to the new hamster guy, the spectator mode, its already there just not enabled.
Tell me i’m wrong and keep lying to yourself…

i would like to see third person in game always as an option, it will be very nice, that’s nothing wrong in this, because you can switch camera during your match in any moment you want. it will be fun

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But you keep saying for casual modes… So your suggesting that someone that will play comp learn to play the game again in comp… Again look at the overall experience, cause your not.

Paladins has a card system too you want that?.. maybe it is not the third person perspective maybe it is the card system why people like it.

The card system is an whole different argument. The boost Paladins got was from the 3rd person mode being added, at that point the card system was already in the game.
The casual option for 3rd person would give people more options to play how they want, despite what you think FPS games are not that popular anymore.

I understand your reasoning but I don’t think OW needs it.

I mean I know Changing perspective isn’t the biggest deal but I also think the intention for OW was to be mainly fps with some mechanics for third person (like the ones you mentioned.)

Well… It all depends how the animations are done for now.

If what is animated in the first person is just your hands (or whatever) instead of the whole character, in order to make a tps from that, you would have to (as I said before) remake every character animations, and probably a lot of maps because it would be really hard to move your camera inside a small room or something.

Add to that the fact that every hero is supposed to have an animations of the highest quality, that will show their personality and all of that jazz.

And imagine that you need to do that 29 times for every each hero we currently have…

There is a reason why they need 4 months to create a single hero even without third person perspective

Times are changing though, if Overwatch doesn’t change with them it will fad away.

Equino its true that the animation would be an issue, but with the add of the 3rd person spectator mode all that is already done.
The spectator mode would only work if they had it setup for the 3rd person mode already.

Again CASUAL MODES… The game is more than casual… Nevermind, have a good day cause you are unable of looking at the overall picture.

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it’s an option not a standard that means players can choose a new prespective

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Same can be said for you troll.

I’m sure it’ll be okay. Lots of people like myself enjoy FPS over TPS.

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I never said otherwise.

If this became a feature I would just out right quit the game as it would pose many problems the obvious one being corner peeking vs. first person view. Aiming would also be a lot easier with it with some heroes and having a large field of view would be broken if it was default. It would just have such huge issues that it would better to just not play with it at all

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People said the same in Paladins but its currently going stronger then ever.

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Paladins and Overwatch aren’t comparable. Even if they’re in the same genre they aren’t mechanically even close to each other. As an Overwatch player I even feel slightly offended that somebody compares that garbage to OW

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