365 days ago tomorrow, Mercy 2.0 hit the PTR

I remember reading the PTR patch notes before the developer update was released. I hopped onto the PTR and tested her out on chateau guillard. All my friends wanted to know my thoughts and I just said “we’ll have to see”. Probably because I still had faith in Blizzard and I didn’t know where they were taking her. After that she hit the live servers with little to no changes and I remember even back then, when she was at her strongest and funnest, that I did not like the rework at all.

Of course the 14 nerfs that followed were brutal (including the so called “bug fixes”) and in the end I’m envious of the people who can still say they enjoy Mercy. I wish I could have fun with this game like I did in 2016/2017 but I just can’t.

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already a year… 20chars

She was not a must pick before her rework. She was very niche. She was balanced honestly, she wasnt broken but she did need some work. If anything she leaned toward not being very good. Why play her when you could play Ana? That’s how it was then. Or if you couldnt play Ana you’d play her.

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