30 minutes searching match

Please, take this feedback! This new metod to search match with role selection is driving me and my friends away from the game (overwatch). We couldn’t play! Why don’t you put the role selection when the match starts? According the player points. Thanks!

Unfortunately, this is not the best place to provide suggestions for game features. The technical support forum is where players life myself and Blizzard Support Agents (who are different from the developers) to lend a hand for players who have technical issues (such as disconnections or game crashes) with Overwatch. I suggest posting your suggestion in the general discussion forum.

If in the event you are unable to post in the general discussion forums, please check this troubleshooting guide.

In regards to your feedback understand that it does not work as well out for players to be forced to play they are not comfortable with and often results in a terrible match experience. The good news is that the latest PTR patch is introducing new “While You Wait” skirmish modes which makes the delay between matches a lot more enjoyable. Check them out here: